Castle’s Mouthpiece, Elizabeth Wenk, Reads Ryan S’s “Jokers to the Right”

Filed in National by on May 19, 2007

Way to go Ryan! It is nice to see Delaware bloggers snag high value readers (even if those bloggers are wrong about 99% of the things they blog about).

Anyway – in response to Ryan’s request that his reads help him pick this week’s “Hero & Hack” Wenk wrote:

Hack: Seriously- the immigration “reform” is a bad law. Lets enforce the laws we have, build the fence that was mandated by law, and expand legal immigration. Im at Congressman Castle’s office right now, and we have received over 50 calls opposing it, and none supporting it

Hero: Maj. Doug Zembiec
Very Sad but Very Inspirational Story

Okay. Upon rereading it is possible that maybe that was written by Mike Quarantanana and not Wenk. But I think it is interesting that even 50 issue related calls are enough for Castle Inc. (c) to sit up and take notice.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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