Pelosi bungles Impeachment issue, because … of course she did.

Filed in National by on November 6, 2017

Here is that she should have said:

In America nobody is above the law. If the evidence shows that he committed crimes, the President is not a King. Like any another American citizen, he would be held accountable by the Republicans and Democrats in congress.

This, instead is the crazy ass bullshit she said when asked about impeachment:

“It’s not someplace that I think we should go,” Pelosi, appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” said of whether Democrats would seek to oust the president if they regained the majority.

I mean, WHAT THE HOLY FUCK? I’m no political genius, but apparently I’m smarter than the ranking Democrat in Congress.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. If that was what she was going to say, she should have just kept her pie hole shut.

    It’s painfully clear–any excitement or momentum for anything Democratic will not be generated by the Party’s putative leadership.

  2. John Young says:

    “I mean, WHAT THE HOLY FUCK? I’m no political genius, but apparently I’m smarter than the ranking Democrat in Congress. ”

    Low bar, irrespective of party, leader, time in history.

  3. Alby says:

    Everybody probably knows this already, but this Slate story explains that “the mere mention of the I-word sends Democratic leaders scrambling to dismiss it as premature, lest they hand a rallying cry to Trump’s defenders.”

  4. Paul says:

    I don’t understand why it is necessary to sound “reasoned” and “measured” about every issue. The rest of the country is chomping at the bit. What is Madame Pelosi waiting for?

  5. Paul says:

    Maybe it is true that the “top tier” of the Democratic Party is exhausted and needs to step aside to give the up and comers a chance, that is, if there are any.

  6. chris says:

    Yeah, and almost everybody on this site argued the need to keep her as Speaker when she should have been dumped after yet another failed result in 2016 when she could not pick up seats for her caucus….In football they can the coach , in business they force the CEO out and move on after multiple failures ….in politics, the same retreads just hang on and on and on and on….hit the reset button!

  7. Alby says:

    And in the House, they wanted to replace her with a guy well to her right. Fail. Try again.

  8. mouse says:

    Where’s the bus for the assisted living facility