Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a vile, monstrous sack of human feces
Trump degrades the office of the Presidency by making a creepy, sexist statement about a sitting Senator, a statement that would make even the most socially inept Republican loser uncomfortable, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders lies her ass of defending him. She has no shame. She is, perhaps the most vile and disgusting human alive on the planet right now, save Donald Trump.
During Tuesday’s press briefing, Sanders tried to swat away the obvious sexual innuendo, telling reporters that it only sounded that way if “your mind is in the gutter.” In saying that, she didn’t really consider whom she was talking about.
President Trump lives in the gutter. Here’s a man who went on Howard Stern and talked about his sex life multiple times. A man so focused on sex that, in the middle of a discussion on national television, he interrupted a contestant on his reality TV show to say that seeing a celebrity on her knees “must be a pretty picture.”
Some years back I called a group of politicians (men and women, all cisgendered as far as I know) “whores.” In a political context, it means someone whose vote is for sale.
(If you want to argue that the language is degrading to all women because it originated as a pejorative for prostitute, you have a point, but that’s a different discussion).
The fact is, SHS is right about this. Just because every clickbait liberal site made sure to pretend he called her a prostitute doesn’t mean he did. Donald Trump is not subtle. If he wanted to call her a whore, he would have said whore. If he really thought she’d do anything for money, he probably would have asked her to.
Just because people’s minds go straight to their groins when they hear certain words and phrases doesn’t mean the speaker/writer intended them that way. The sentence doesn’t imply anything sexual; listeners inferred that — basically, they heard what they wanted to hear, the better to criticize Trump as a boor.
Donald Trump has used similar language about male politicians who asked him for donations. His point was that her vote, and by implication all Washington politicians’ votes, are for sale for campaign donations.
Donald Trump says and does enough objectionable things without liberals pretending he’s done even more. This reaction is being fed to an eager audience of self-righteous liberals by the click-addicted media.
Alby, i think you’re right. I also dont care. I am 100% willing to push the narrative that he meant what people are saying he meant. Who gives a flying fuck if we twist his words to damage him further? The gop loves fighting dirty and the dems always shy away. That has to stop.
There is nothing, short of violence against the president and his family and whatever, that is “too far”.
@Ben: As I said, I’d rather stick to the awful truth. That’s a more important principle to me than anything more specific would be.
Granted, you can influence the majority with lies if you repeat them enough, but if I demand truth from the other side, how can I promote my cause with lies? Besides, it usually backfires. I’ll give you an example: “An Inconvenient Truth.” By emphasizing worst-case scenarios, the film set itself up for debunking.
usually that is my philosophy too. I have made an exception when it comes to removing 45 from office. Any legal means. Lies arent always illegal, so why not? leave the moral purity for the people who come after us to rebuild.
I disagree with both of you.
The press secretary serves at the pleasure of the President. That doesn’t mean she is required to be a party to his debasement of the office. If Trump takes a shit on White House floor, she doesn’t need to praise his redecorating skills. She doesn’t have to be his accomplice to driving the national discourse off a cliff. The only thing she is required to do is be a human being first, American second, and Republican third.
Sanders has shown time and again that she doesn’t give a flying fuck about anything other than facilitating Trump’s egregious misrule.
I was only talking about this particular nugget. She said yesterday what I said hours before her.
I realize most people loathe her, but I can’t work up any emotion at all. Birds sing, grifters grift, liars lie. For loathsomeness, nobody will ever touch Ari Fleischer, IMHO.
Huckleberry: None more loathsome. Except Trump himself. Fleischer was loathsome too, but not as much fun to mock.
She reminds me of the old sofa in my grandmother’s den.
Hey, I loved my grandma’s sofa.
She reminds me of an old-time hockey goalie. They’re the only ones who take so many hard shots every day without a facemask.
Y’all need to come and get your girl.