Republican theories aren’t half assed, they’re just faith based. Like the theory, “Homosexuality is bad, unless you’re lonely in an airport mens’ room and your foot slips.” Or, “All women have to remain pregnant to term, regardless of rape, incest, threat to health, birth defects, poverty, drug addition, unless its one of our daughters, and don’t even think we’ll show our concern by adopting one of ‘those’ babies as it would interfere with the Country Club schedule and the neighbors would probably talk.”
I read the NYT article to hubby, we just had the ‘dead tree news’ or ‘I like to hold it to read it news’ vs. internets’ news or ‘hard to read on the screen news’ argument AGAIN, thanks.
After more than 30 years working with newspapers myself, he can’t believe I am the one that believes news on a dead tree is ‘dead’.
But I do.
Some newspaper & magazines can do it right, though. I think the NYT, WashPo, the Nation and the New Yorker have a handle on it, so far. Others will follow.
I would just prefer to get the news on my iPhone and be outside to look at a living tree, if its all the same to you. (Gettin’ on my way with my treehugging-self, now)
C’mon, man… you’re turning into a saner version of Dana Garrett, latching on to one sentence into a story while ignoring everything that contradicts your personal views.
“The change does not represent a decline in the popularity of newspapers, which actually picked up a percentage point over last year. Rather, it represents a near-doubling, from 24 percent last year, in the number of people naming the Internet as their primary news source.”
You forgot to mention the fact that Williams and I share a bete noire (Gilbert & Sullivan Operettas) and a penchant for enlivening our scribbles with school girl French.
Does he really have that much influence?
I didn’t say it was a great theory.
jason330 is practicing to be a republican with half-assed theories and all.
Republican theories aren’t half assed, they’re just faith based. Like the theory, “Homosexuality is bad, unless you’re lonely in an airport mens’ room and your foot slips.” Or, “All women have to remain pregnant to term, regardless of rape, incest, threat to health, birth defects, poverty, drug addition, unless its one of our daughters, and don’t even think we’ll show our concern by adopting one of ‘those’ babies as it would interfere with the Country Club schedule and the neighbors would probably talk.”
I read the NYT article to hubby, we just had the ‘dead tree news’ or ‘I like to hold it to read it news’ vs. internets’ news or ‘hard to read on the screen news’ argument AGAIN, thanks.
After more than 30 years working with newspapers myself, he can’t believe I am the one that believes news on a dead tree is ‘dead’.
But I do.
Some newspaper & magazines can do it right, though. I think the NYT, WashPo, the Nation and the New Yorker have a handle on it, so far. Others will follow.
I would just prefer to get the news on my iPhone and be outside to look at a living tree, if its all the same to you. (Gettin’ on my way with my treehugging-self, now)
C’mon, man… you’re turning into a saner version of Dana Garrett, latching on to one sentence into a story while ignoring everything that contradicts your personal views.
“The change does not represent a decline in the popularity of newspapers, which actually picked up a percentage point over last year. Rather, it represents a near-doubling, from 24 percent last year, in the number of people naming the Internet as their primary news source.”
My bad.
Who is latching on to one sentence?
Actually, I was latching on to two sentences of the three in that post… the “deathwatch” headline and the “killed print journalism” line.”
But Jason, you ARE Ron Williams.
You have so much in common: fat, white, a bloated sense of worth and importance yet tragically politically impotent.
You forgot to mention the fact that Williams and I share a bete noire (Gilbert & Sullivan Operettas) and a penchant for enlivening our scribbles with school girl French.