Pete’s Continued Hold on the Speakership in Doubt?
I’m not great on this stuff. This is more of an El Som type post, so I’ll just leave it here and step back. But it seems to me that all of the House retirements are from Pete’s stable of lackies…. I mean supporters. Does that mean all of his empire building might come to naught?
I saw in another post Pete donated his gun lobby money to a Stoneman survivor fund, is that true? I had to rub my eyes and double-check. If so, that will give some indigestion to Pete’s local base.
Not the human beings among them.
The NRA money is more tainted that Seaford’s drinking water. It stinks worse than that impromptu garbage dump in his district.
If the NRA money was a person it would be Rep John Atkins on his way home from a Halloween party.
I doubt it. Short initially was part of a ticket that ran against Pete ‘n Val. I think the caucus has sorta been beaten down by them.
You see why I stay in my lane?
We should be so lucky…. Somebody had to say it.
There are a lot of candidates running now who owe nothing to the current leadership regime. The current caucus might be beaten down, but come January 2019 the caucus will probably look very different.
But Pete ‘n Val both have large campaign balances and they have access to a couple of legislative PACs as well, and they will almost certainly dole them out to D challengers. So, winning candidates will, in all likelihood, owe them something.
BTW, if someone other than James Burton were to primary Longhurst, they’d have a good shot. Especially since she blatantly used her position to get a job she didn’t deserve. All she does is feed at the public trough. I think it’s a winning campaign issue.
@El Som- She is like the loathesome Andy Harris in Maryland.
They better start making it rain now then. A lot of these candidates are building their own independent fundraising and volunteer channels outside of the party mechanisms. If anyone thinks that they can roll in at the last month of the campaign season and just dump a load of money into a race and hope to buy some votes then they are in for a rude awakening.
You gotta understand. Sussex County may as well be Mississippi politically. Even WDEL knows that which is why Rick Jensen et al are no longer on the radio in Sussex. Now there are 3 of the worst alt right NRA loving bunch of klowns ever. Dan Gaffney tried to bring up Trump at a restaurant where he was doing his program the patrons all got up and left. Gaffney was told he would no longer be welcome there if he did that again. Thats what being said all over the place down here. WGMD the other station is nothing but conspiracy theories..the poorly educated lunatics are well understood by democrats like Pete…they play the game to stay in office.
My biggest problem with Pete is that he gives legislative protection to cops when DE cops deserve scrunity.
This post is a perfect example of how completely out of touch (and really dumb) you people are. Can any of the bloggers share the last time they spent any time in Legislative Hall or is El Som still using former staff who haven’t worked there in four years as his primary source of information? Do yourselves a favor and stop posting things like this, I’m embarrassed for you. What a joke.
Thank you for the thoughtful feedback.
Yes, fact-free thoughtful feedback. This state is full of fucksticks.
Hahahaha bring it, bitch. When’s the last time you guys were right about some wild assumption you’re blogging about? I’ll wait… what’s that? You’ve almost never been right when it comes to this stuff? You’re a fucking joke, make an accurate prediction on anything and then get back to me. Hope you don’t croak before that happens…
Describe the loads.
Seriously what kind of guy wants to hear this stuff? Dude you are a sick twisted fuck, it wouldn’t surprise me if you carpooled with Alby to Ramone’s naked pool parties. Was your tiny sausage party fun?
Describe the shots.. C’mon…