General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., March 13, 2018
Oh, no, we’re not letting the House cowards who couldn’t even vote to ban bump stocks off the hook. Yes, the bill passed, 25 yes, 3 no, 11 not voting. 14 representatives who somehow can’t vote to ban something that turns killing machines into even stronger killing machines. Two of the three no’s were from Democrats. One, of course, was Lumpy Carson. The other was Mike Mulrooney. There is no excuse for someone from Mulrooney’s district to vote no. A primary would likely knock him off. Any takers? There were also two absentees, both imminent retirees. Melanie Smith and Joe Miro. The ‘not votings’ were the typical Rethugs. Three R’s, Hensley, Hudson, and Ramone, voted yes. Hensley, in particular, is feeling the electoral heat.
In contrast, the bill the NRA supports, which increases penalties for straw purchases, passed unanimously. The bill is primarily designed to give NRA lackeys cover to claim that they support ‘reasonable’ gun control measures.
Slow day in Dover today, with only one bill of interest to me. And that bill is only of passing interest. Which is something I never thought I’d say about a minimum wage increase. But SB 10(Marshall) is the thinnest of thin gruels. ‘How thin is this gruel, Steve’? Glad you asked.
This amendment becomes the bill: “The amendment creates a two-step increase in the minimum wage from $8.25 per hour to $8.75 per hour effective October 1, 2018, and to $9.25 per hour effective October 1, 2019.”
Wow. A Democratic General Assembly and a Democratic governor scraping together a minimum wage of $9.25 an hour by October of 2019. That $15 minimum wage provision in the Delaware Democratic Party platform should come equipped with its own laugh track. I could go off on a screed, however, with this group, why bother?
Here is today’s Senate Agenda. Here is today’s House Agenda. If the agendas feel incomplete somehow, it’s because last Wednesday’s committee meetings were canceled due to the weather. Meaning, tomorrow’s committee meetings are chockful of important bills. Meaning, that tomorrow’s Post-Game/Pre-Game won’t be such thin gruel. In fact, writing tomorrow’s post will likely be grueling. Gruel and unusual punishment.
Kids go to school in Delaware too. How long until a member of the public takes an AR15 into a Delaware school and shoots the place up with high velocity bullets?
Well said. I guess it gave them some warm feelings when they voted on the platform. That’s something. Wait…. no it isn’t.