The most honest press release evah!!

Filed in National by on June 2, 2007

I was just looking back to this press release that DSU sent out when Nancy Wagner was hired and I have to say – at least DSU was candid about the fact that Wagner was hired to lobby for DSU in Leg. Hall.

Nancy Wagner Named to Head Community Relations

November 30, 2006


DOVER, Del. – Delaware State University President Allen L. Sessoms has announced that Nancy H. Wagner has joined the institution to become its executive director of Community Relations.

“It is thrilling to have someone like Nancy Wagner on board, given her understanding of the local area and the state,” said Dr. Sessoms. “We have not only enjoyed an outstanding relationship with Rep. Wagner for many years, but she has also been one of DSU’s biggest advocates.”

In the new DSU post, Wagner will be responsible for fostering and guiding positive relationships between the University’s internal constituencies and community organizations. She will also work to develop partnerships between DSU and other service agencies and school districts.

As the head of community relations she will be the primary liaison between the University and community groups; she will also develop strategies for DSU community outreach.

Rep. Wagner has been an elected member of the state House of Representatives, representing the 31st District (Dover-area) since 1992. As a House member, she currently serves as the chair of the Education Committee, as well as vice chair of the Corrections and Judiciary committees. She also serves on the Homeland Security, Tourism, and Gaming committees.

A 31-year education professional, Wagner has taught English in the Milford and Capital school districts, and for the last seven years she has been the school-to-work coordinator for the Capital School District.

Wagner has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Salem College, Winston-Salem, N.C., and a Master of Science in Human Resource Management from Wilmington College.

Emphasis added.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (28)

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  1. I just e-mailed this link to Bob Reeder who is relentlessly spending time and capital trying to bring her to justice.

  2. FSP says:

    Bring her to justice?

    Are you for real?

    And J — Still looking for where it says she will lobby for DSU. You have to try harder.

  3. FSP,

    This is where you lose me. I think it may be better for you to remain out of this one because you just seem a bit tainted on this topic. Defending Wagner and Cathcart because of this nonsense seems ridiculous coming from you.

    Sorry if I sound so harsh — these two jackasses know they’re playing the system. Wagner especially.

  4. Robert Reeder says:

    Interesting article released by Delaware State University. However, they forget (intentionally I’m sure) that during a meeting of Delaware State Board of Trustees Wagner was identified as having as part of her job description — “POLITICAL CONNECTING”. That is a violation of Delawar Law. Sometime in the near future a complaint will be filed with the House Ethics against her and Rep. Cathcart because they both were involved in the Joint Finance Committee hearing involving Delaware State University.

    The “Double Dipping” lawsuit againtst her which has nothing to do with the ethics committee complaint is now moving into the next phase. Stand by!

    Bob Reeder

  5. FSP says:

    “Sometime in the near future a complaint will be filed with the House Ethics against her and Rep. Cathcart because they both were involved in the Joint Finance Committee hearing involving Delaware State University.”

    I will say this. Any legislator who files an ethics complaint on Cathcart or Wagner had better squeak when they walk. Even John Atkins didn’t have anyone file against him.

    The Double Dipping lawsuit is a separate matter entirely.

    Matthews — You calling anyone else ridiculous is just silly.

  6. I wasn’t calling you ridiculous as an insult — more of a Bill O’Reilly’s “Most Ridiculous Item” kind of ridiculous. You’re job is to defend Republicans, so it’s ridiculous for you to comment because you’d have it no other way. There are clear ethical issue here.

  7. By the way, I openly admit I’m ridiculous. On a personal, professional, emotional, and spiritual level. My calling your ridiculous statement was merely meant in the professional manner. You’ve shown your independence in the past re: the Atkins issue, but I think your judgment is a bit clouded on Wagner.

  8. FSP says:

    My judgment is not clouded at all. If anyone can prove that Cathcart or Wagner personally benefitted or that DSU benefitted from their legislative positions, I’m all ears.

    But suggesting that they did just because they sat in on the DSU presentation to JFC doesn’t get us to that point.

  9. My judgment is not clouded at all. If anyone can prove that Cathcart or Wagner personally benefitted or that DSU benefitted from their legislative positions, I’m all ears.

    But suggesting that they did just because they sat in on the DSU presentation to JFC doesn’t get us to that point.

    dude, what part of appearance of impropriety / conflict of interest do you not get?

    you just made my ON Notice Board Dave Burrass!

  10. I will say this. Any legislator who files an ethics complaint on Cathcart or Wagner had better squeak when they walk. Even John Atkins didn’t have anyone file against him.

    Dave, you are part of the problem if you think that this horrid status quo should remain in place. The public should be able to submit an ethics review with accompanying documentation and we need to put that into place.
    You may not be familiar with where Bob Reeder has been going with Wagner but she absolutely did act outside of the law when she double-dipped while employed at the Dover School District.

  11. submit an ethics review complaint, rather

  12. Chris says:

    Well if you are going to take her down..then at least be honest what you are taking her down for…being REPUBLICAN (apparently a capital offense around here).

    If somebody even whispered ethics charges against Biden or whatever Dem darling you all worship you would flame the heck out of the person….whether warranted or not.

    Like I have said before…back in NJ..we have a guy, Steve Sweeney who is a county freeholder (head of freeholders), a state senator, and holds a high position in a Union that gets both state and county contracts HE VOTES ON. But even imply a conflict of interest and the Democratic Party goes insane on you. Such intellectual honesty.

  13. Chris,

    You’re jaded if you think I’m “taking her down” because she’s Republican. Jason and the other guys here? Perhaps…but not me. I’m not a fan of political hacks who appear to be using their influence in ridiculously decadent ways. And Wagner fits that bill. I hope to confront her when I head to Leg. Hall next week.

  14. Bob Reeder and I are both on the board of Common Cause Delaware, Chris. Common Cause is a non-partisan watchdog organization. We track government’s abuses, acknowledge government’s successes and lobby for good government bills.

    This has NOTHING to do with Republican vs Democrat.

  15. I head to Leg. Hall next week.

    hey Mike, what’s up in Dover to take you there particularly?

  16. Chris says:

    “You’re jaded if you think I’m “taking her down” because she’s Republican….”

    “…Common Cause is a non-partisan watchdog organization”

    You are right. I must be jaded. But I have often found “non-partisan” groups to be activist liberal organizations pretending to be free from partisan influence.

    A glance at the Common Cause website admittedly does not show overly obvious partisanship, there is certainly subtle indications of such.

    For instance, they are all over the CPB for pushing through “Islam vs. Islamists: Voices from the Muslim Center”. This may indeed be an issue of overstepping their bounds. I am undecided currently on that. But truthfully, if everything about the situation was identical except the movie being “An Inconvenient Truth” would Common Cause have touched it? I am sure you will say yes, but I suspect not.

  17. Chris,

    Common Cause was started by Republicans. It actively goes after politicians of all stripes. Simple as that.

  18. jason330 says:

    If somebody even whispered ethics charges against Biden or whatever Dem darling you all worship you would flame the heck out of the person….whether warranted or not.

    I’m getting tired of this BS. I regularly lambast crappy Democrats like Tom Carper. I have even endorsed a Republican for State Rep.

    When has First State Politics edorsed a Democrat? NEVER thats when. When has FSP ever gone after a Republican like we go after Carper ? NEVER that’s when. When has Jokers to the RIght edorsed a Democrat? NEVER thats when. When has JTTR ever gone after a Republican like we go after Carper ? NEVER that’s when.

    Take your boo boo face “you just hate Republicans” BS and shove it.

  19. FSP says:

    “When has FSP ever gone after a Republican like we go after Carper ?”

    Really? Are you really going there?

  20. jason330 says:

    (I mean other than Atkins) That rest of that comment stands.

  21. FSP says:

    Other than Atkins?! Seriously?

    How ’bout this?

    Just let me know how often I have to do it to meet your standards, boss.

  22. Chris says:

    “I have even endorsed a Republican for State Rep.”

    And I have voted for Democrats twice. Unfortunately, I have ended up regretting it both times. Starting with Jim Florio!

  23. Chris says:

    It is amazing what a little research can yield.

    “Common Cause was started by Republicans. ”

    You failed to mention a very liberal Republican, John Gardner, who was in a Democrat’s Administration (LBJ).

    “It actively goes after politicians of all stripes. Simple as that.”

    Really… found this little tidbit while researching.


    “Nevertheless, by the time Pingree, coming off a failed campaign for U.S. Senate, took over in 2003, the Washington Post reported that the organization faced, “stagnant membership and declining revenue.” Pingree moved the group still more sharply into the fold of Democratic party politics….Now, Edgar, another former Democratic politician, takes over, talking about the need for the organization to live on smaller budgets…. Eventually, the group began to stagnate. The solution has been to embrace a more openly liberal and, in particular, more openly partisan substantive agenda…Common Cause now sees itself more free to abandon the notion of a truly “common” agenda and what increasingly appeared to be a thin veneer of non-partisanship and simply ally itself as an interest group within the Democratic Party: hence the procession of party pols taking the reigns.

    But hold on to that veneer.

  24. We are Common Cause Delaware and what we do in Delaware is non-partsian according to the spirit of the original mission of Common Cause – however that may have been skewed as reflected in your research above. Common Cause DE has all sorts of affiliations within our membership.

  25. jason330 says:

    Oh that was some blistering take down of Cheney. How did I not think of that?

  26. Yeah, Dave. Your take-down of Cheney was weak at best and about four years too late.

  27. jason330 says:

    Mike –

    I’m trying to link to your GOP post – but my keep crashing (I’m on the road)

    Anyway – Who is that mystery post card writer?

  28. Another anonymous postcard has been posted to the DE Conservative Blog that rips Charlie Copeland a new one.
    Mike posted a twisted screed on our DE GOPerhead Convention.