June 28 Open Thread: The Foxification of America Continues

Filed in National by on June 28, 2018

High-school dropout Sean Hannity, Trump’s de facto chief of staff, recommended ousted Fox News executive Bill Shine, Roger Ailes’ right-hand man, as White House communication director and, hey presto! He’s hired! Many media accounts call him a “disgraced” former exec, but that assumes he has shame, a supposition for which no supporting evidence exists. There’s also no supporting evidence that this guy can operate anything without Ailes telling him what to do.

Uh-oh. Put the peace prize on hold again. It appears North Korea is continuing to enrich uranium and plutonium, adding to its nuclear stockpile. Hey, who you gonna believe, Trump or your lying spy satellite photos?

Short stack today as I’m off to Philly for a new passport. As hopeful as I remain for the future, it’s good to have an escape plan.

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  1. Alby says:

    The armed attack on a newspaper office can’t be surprising after a year and a half of Trump declaring the media the “enemy of the people.”

    Unless this turns out to be a domestic or employment dispute — doubtful, as the suspect is not cooperating with police, and people out for revenge are usually quick to say so — the blood is on Trump’s hands, and almost every newspaper in America will say so tomorrow morning.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Thanks, Mitch…


    You’re a real radical. And his opponent is LGBTQ.

    And don’t fucking come on here and tell me about some fucking bylaw about filing time.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    I’ll take this endorsement from a gay dude.


  4. Liz Allen says:

    Check this out….only after the socialist democrati from NY ran and won, have these two come out for it…and HUFF post acts like they thought of it all by themselves…corporate dems are being forced to make this statements, IF they want to be re elected.

    Kirsten Gillibrand, Bill De Blasio Call To Abolish ICE
    What do New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) have in common with nearly 20 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) special agents?
    They all think ICE should be disbanded and its work handled by a different, more capable agency.
    “ICE’s time has come and gone,” de Blasio told WNYC’s Brian Lehrer in an interview Friday morning.
    “We should abolish ICE,” he added. “We should create something better, something different.”
    Last week, a group of 19 special agents who oversee ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations unit sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, requesting she spin HSI off from ICE and establish “two separate and independent agencies.”