How will Trump’s Presidency End? “He will lose a primary race” not a factor

Filed in National by on August 23, 2018

The fact that “He will lose a primary race” has zero votes a couple of days on speaks to a truth that cuts across the political divide. We all know that there is not a healthy nutsack in all of Republican party. Think Ken Simpler, writ large. They may not like being on the same ticket as their fellow white nationalist/womanizer/criminal, they sure as hell are not going to mention it, let alone offer a remedy in the form of a primary.

The spread of the rest of the responses are interesting as well. 23% of us are lunatics that think Trump will get a second term. In their defense, three years ago today, you would have been a lunatic to predict that he’s get even one term.

34% of us think he will not make it to the end of term #1. I don’t think the Democrats have a bunch of healthy nutsacks, so I’m not sure what this belief is based on. Karma?

I’m among the 18% who think he will limp across the finish line and call it a day. Democrats are famous for letting bygones be bygones.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    I said he’ll be removed from office, but I meant by a team of men bearing a white jacket with really, really long sleeves.

  2. jason330 says:

    I guess that’s another category. “Health” issues.

  3. puck says:

    He will never resign as long as Justice holds to the policy of not indicting a sitting President. Midterms may strengthen Republican nutsacks though.

  4. puck says:

    I can envision him resigning with a pardon deal a la Nixon.

  5. Alby says:

    I think that becomes more likely when one of the kids gets indicted.

  6. bamboozer says:

    Finish out the term? It’s most likely, but then it’s Trump. Resign with a pardon deal? If it gets too deep it could happen, Trump is scarred now, when Mueller gets closer panic may well set in. health issues? Very possible, he does display signs of dementia including cognitive issues and problems with words and meanings. As for the Dems in a rare moment of optimism I think the generational worm is turning and the Millenials are not the same fools that their Boomer parents turned out to be.

  7. mediawatch says:

    If Trump goes, it will be in apocalyptic fashion.
    In his last day, he will: fire Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions (or their successors); revoke dozens of security clearances; pardon Flynn, Papadopolous, Manafort. Jared and Ivanka; tweet that Mike Pence will become POTUS46 at midnight, and then hop a plane to Moscow with that Russian redhead spy.

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Any scenario whereby an ex president of the United States has to live out his life in exile is cool.

    Like Napoleon in Elba after Fontainebleau. Or Baby Doc in France.

  9. Alby says:

    A dacha on the Black Sea, perhaps?

  10. RE Vanella says:

    Checks out.

  11. puck says:

    The longer Trump twists in the wind, the more Democrats win special elections and the more progressives win their primaries. Without anti-Trump revulsion, Democrats got nothing. If Trump didn’t exist Democrats would have to invent him. Trump is the force behind the blue wave.

  12. Alby says:

    Shorter puck: Earthquakes cause tsunamis.

  13. Ben says:

    I think it’s cute you think he’ll stop at a second term. This isnt how trmp ends. This is how dictatorships start.

  14. mouse says:

    The American dream is dead for the next generation. I’m 57 and almost anyone my age or older could buy their first house for under $40K and go to college for a few hundred bucks a semester. Now neither are obtainable without backbreaking debt and a 2 jobs that pay well. How long can people ignore this because they are easily distracted and manipulated by their racial and cultural resentments?

  15. Dave says:

    I think he will get a second term, if the following remain true.

    1. There is no GOP opposition to him because they are all running scared or they believe he can be manipulated into supporting their agenda.
    2. There is no unified Democratic Party.
    3. The Democrats are long on entitlement messages and short on everything else. (trade, national security, foreign policy, economy, etc.).
    4. Everyone is focused on Trump (pro and con). As long as Trump creates the news, there is no air for anyone else.
    5. At some point all the anti-Trump sentiment will begin to increase sympathy for Trump.

    I hope that 2018 gives us a different Congress and I hope we find a candidate that can take the next presidential election. But then I had high hopes that Trump would not get elected in 2016. I don’t have much hope left.

  16. jason330 says:

    Dems sure suck, but the law of gravity has not been revoked.

    When Trump goes it will be suddenly and with a great many Republicans clamouring to get infront of cameras to claim that they never liked or supported him.