Delaware GOP Silence on Political Violence is Deafening
As the highest ranking elected Republican official, Ken Simpler is the de facto leader of the Republican Party in Delaware.
Simpler has a responsibility to Delaware that he is trying to avoid. His inability to address the Republican Party’s problem with politically motivated violence reveals Simpler to be a contemptible low-life. His continuing silence is nothing but cowardice.
Ken Simpler is so fearful of the the Delaware Republican base that he is utterly mute and pitifully retiring at a moment in history that calls for courage and moral clarity.
He really is a disgusting piece of shit.
And it’s a classic “tell us how you really feel” moment.
My contempt for this guy is boundless.
Today I spoke at a candidate’s forum at the UUFN church on Willa rd. in Newark when I first became aware of the horrible tragedy in Pittsburgh and some of Donald Trump’s responses to it. I believe that not only are Republican politicians and leaders deliberately avoiding criticism of Trump but many of us elected officials of other parties and allegiances have chosen to be shamefully reticent and silent in our public pronouncements about this insane culture of hatred, and divisive rhetoric that is encouraging and promoting senseless acts of violence. When the response to such a hideous act of brutality is to encourage arming all civilians and fortifying ourselves at all public events while ignoring the seriousness and culpability of the gun-cultured mindset of so many Americans, I felt obligated to stray from my scripted remarks and make a statement regarding this President’s mindless philosophy of hatred and bigotry that encourages and solicits such reprehensible behavior. The event was recorded for Facebook and you can view my brief remarks during the last minute or so of the taping at this link.
Representative John Kowalko
” I believe that not only are Republican politicians and leaders deliberately avoiding criticism of Trump but many of us elected officials of other parties and allegiances have chosen to be shamefully reticent and silent in our public pronouncements about this insane culture of hatred,”
JK is right. Dems and even the media’s silence is complicity.
John Carney is just following orders.
Well, Carney supported the assault weapons ban, although it sure took him long enough to come out in its favor.
GREG LAVELLE was not silent. His vote that killed the assault weapons ban in Delaware spoke volumes. He worships the NRA far more than he could ever worship murdered worshipers.
If Lavelle is ousted this November, it’s possible that the Governor could sign an assault weapons ban by the end of January.