Trump Voter Kills 11 in Pittsburgh Synagogue

Filed in National by on October 28, 2018

The media is falling all over itself to spread the GOP spin that Robert Bowers is not a Trump supporter. At some point Bowers felt Trump wasn’t violent and anti-semitic enough for him, so he stopped supporting him. But make no mistake – Trump’s message of hatred and division is at the center of this. Trump radicalized Bowers and hundreds of other like who now feel that their racial grievances have been legitimized.

Federal prosecutors have filed hate crime charges against a Pennsylvania man who authorities say stormed a Pittsburgh synagogue and opened fire, killing 11 people.

Robert Bowers, 46, of suburban Baldwin, surrendered to authorities after Saturday morning’s shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue. It’s believed he made anti-Semitic statements during the shooting and targeted Jews in posts on social media that are a focus of the investigation, according to a federal law enforcement official.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Kids, don’t forget that it was GREG LAVELLE whose vote prevented the banning of assault weapons in Delaware. I declare myself ‘offended’ by his actions.

  2. Kelly says:

    Trump had nothing to do with it. The guy was a NUT. He go locked up before Trump became President. When are people going to run out of thinks to blame him for.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Kelly, you are incorrect.

      See stochastic terrorism…

      The president has Nuremberg style rallies calling for violence. Don’t pretend that he doesn’t.

    • ben says:

      the terrorist was screeching about the caravan in the same tones as your dear leader, magat. you people did this and you people will pay for it.

  3. Alby says:

    Actually, this guy thought Trump was controlled by the Jews. The logic of the mentally disturbed is theirs alone. As a wise man once said, what’s the frequency Kenneth is their benzedrine.

    We’ll run out of things to blame Trump for when he stops doing hateful things — which means at some point after he’s gone. Then we’ll blame him for the further decline of America after he’s gone.

    I know, he’s just a symptom. In that case, what’s the disease?

    • jason330 says:

      “When are people going to run out of thinks to blame him for.”

      Nobody wants a horrible, hateful President. Blaming him for the idiocy and hate he encourages is not a hobby anyone wants.

  4. bamboozer says:

    “In that case, what’s the disease?”

    Ken Simpler?