Scott Goss Hackery Now Goes to 11
There is a effort underway at the News Journal to try and save Mike Ramone. How else do you make a connection, and try to build a false equivalency between Republican dirty tricks (like planting fake signs and making up outright lies about support for abortion in the ninth month) to DelawareLiberal’s reporting on the Democratic Party’s legitimate protest of Mike Ramone’s crimes?
There is a story here but it has to do with Goss’ connection to Ramone. Why the yoeman’s effort to stretch this dirty tricks story to cover Ramone? Even in light of the NJ’s low journalistic standards – Scott Goss’ hackery is unprecedented.
I tried to link to the online version of this story but couldn’t find it. If someone finds it please drop it here in the comments.
This one?
And BTW – How crazy is this? Ramone did illegally misuse his position to get his opponent fired. That deserves to be in a dirty tricks story. But not the dirty tricks story in which Ramone is the victim.
Yeah, read this on the way in to the office. I try to defend the paper often because I really feel like those folks try to do very good work. This campaign coverage from Goss has been a disaster. Really awful.
There’s an air of superiority to it. I get that nudist pool party story was fucking dumb. But then Goss goes on this thing about “partisan” blog. Like that somehow diminishes the facts.
Total disappointment. Goss and the paper should be embarrassed.
The most charitable reading possible is that they REALLY needed this to be a “both sides do it” structure and Mike Ramone won the coin flip.
But even that charitable take is pure bullshit if your goal is “journalism” in some widely accepted sense of the term.
Well, there goes Goss’ chance of landing a cushy job running a state agency’s communications.
You guys really think Goss is in the tank for Ramone? In my dealings with him, he is a good reporter, and I usually like his stories. I just think it’s a big much to cite malice when other reasons work.
No. Not in the tank for Ramone, but committed to anodyne pabulum. It’s the old move of holding on to the few elderly readers you have rather than look for new exciting shit.
Also not wanting to descend into the noxious morass of “partisan” blogs.
If you’ll notice I said specifically his campaign coverage was garbage. Not his reporting in general. I stand by that 100%
Poor child doesn’t know the definition of “mud.”
Forget about “mudslinging” for a moment. Isn’t Delaware Board of Trade an outfit that is vastly more likely than the typical Delaware business to require the General Assembly’s attention? If so, isn’t that reason enough for any state legislator to avoid investing in it? I’d love to hear legislators weigh in on that.
In comparing ethical standards of pols with those in the media, its like the difference between the swamp and Everest. You might love to hear legislators weigh in on it but (except for Kowalko and possibly Baumbach) your wish will likely remain unfulfilled.
hard to understand NJ taking a walk on this one. see joe distefano expose of Board Of Trade in business.This outfit looks like it may tank owing the illegal 3 million dollar loan made by Gordon and Council. With respect to Ramone one of the Directors said that the legislature”s passage of legislation authorizing the use of cryptocurrency was essential to the survival and opening of the Board of Trade. When Ramone voted on the cryptocurrency legislation he owned a substantial majority of the Board of Trade stock which he did not disclose nor did he recuse himself from the vote. He then sold his stock to Seven stars for a cool three million dollar profit. If this isn;t illegal it certainly should be. It’s surely unethical. How can NJ pass on this one letting his constituency ignorant of this atrocity when they vote Tuesday. Also they may want to investigate the likelihood of $3millionj of taxpayer money going down the toilet
We posted a story on this.