Comment Rescue: Donviti Nails It

Filed in National by on January 16, 2009

Responding to one of our GOP zombie-sheep, DV says,

…the mental leaps you have to take to buy this bullshit further astound me…..

you are sad sharon and America is weaker because of people like you.

It is so true. American is much weaker.

It is as if Bush/Cheney were Chinese sleeper agents. But even given that, China’s plan to weaken the United States would have gone nowhere absent a hard core of Americans like Sean Hannity, Rick Jensen, Sharon, arthur, Hube , Dave Burris, and scores of other “conservatives” who hate this country so much that they not only cheered on our weakening, but worked so diligently for our failure.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (28)

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  1. anonone says:

    scores of other “conservatives” who hate this country so much that they not only cheered on our weakening, but worked so diligently for our failure

    Stuff like that is why you da man, Jason!

  2. jason330 says:

    Remind me to ask Dave why he hates this country so much at some point.

    I am a bit curious about that. Must be all the taxes.

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Conservatives also hate Americans who don’t conform to their ideals like gays, feminists, atheists and other non-Christians.

  4. pandora says:

    Conservatives mask their fear in bravado.

    They are all talk, or, rather, threat.

  5. my first comment rescue! wooohooooo.

    I thank My moms, my shrimps, my baby’s momma, my lord and savior Jesus Christ, I also would like to thank the Academy, Oh and I can’t forget Sharon, without her stupidity I never would have come up with that response.

    Oh, I also thank the greedy people in this country and our government. Otherwise I might not have been unemployed and had time to read that astoundingly stupid comment she posted.

    que the music….

  6. Von Cracker says:

    queue, dude, queue….


    Can we make them pay more in taxes? That’s certainly better for them than shipping them to Detroit!

  7. Von Cracker says:

    no wondering where that’s been!

  8. cleaning a lot of diapers lately

  9. Hube says:

    I wonder why a guy with a silver spoon in his mouth doesn’t pay more taxes when he clearly can. As Joe Biden says, “that’s unpatriotic.”

    He just wants everyone ELSE to pay. Why doesn’t Silver Spoon Jason voluntarily pay more taxes? Could it be b/c he’s a fucking asshole hypocrite?

    It sure COULD!!

  10. Sharon says:

    Woo hoo! I win!

  11. pUBE, How’d you finish in that poll you nominiated yourself for?

  12. Sharon says:

    Oh, I also thank the greedy people in this country and our government. Otherwise I might not have been unemployed

    Because it couldn’t have had anything to do with you, right?

  13. anon says:

    At least DV has the balls to tell us what he does and when he is out of work…

    Your turn, Sharon. What is it that makes you immune to unemployment – America’s constant demand for cheeseburgers with fries?

  14. Von Cracker says:


  15. actually no it didn’t and I can give you the number of the person to call and ask if you like.

    I don’t make shit up or have to

  16. FSP says:

    Love the comment deleting. Very Rovian of you.

    Let me know when you want your goat back.

  17. Miscreant says:

    They ate the goat.

  18. anonone says:

    I was wondering where your comment went, too. Do you think it was deleted deliberately? It was pretty benign, I thought.

  19. jason330 says:

    Comment deleting ?

    My my but we have a big opinion of ourself don’t we?

    I guess being the chair of the SC GOP for three weeks can knock a guy up a couple of hat sizes.

  20. Miscreant says:

    You can always tell the fascists, they are the ones who refuse to allow any challenge to their ideas.

  21. jason330 says:

    Yes. You can always tell the goat fuckers, by looking at my goat “Molly’s” ass after I asked Dave to watch her for me.

    Honestly Dave, you couldn’t be a bit more discrete? That goat’s ass is a bloody mess.

  22. FSP says:

    Must be magic then: Comment appears. Comment disappears. I’m going to have to hold firm to the idea that someone removed it.

    I clearly still have the goat.

  23. jason330 says:

    You can keep it. That goat’s ass is of no use to me anymore. But while your here commenting again, maybe you can help me out by settling a bet?

    Are you are Chinese agent? Or just a gullible dumbass?

  24. Tom S. says:

    ““conservatives” who hate this country so much that they not only cheered on our weakening, but worked so diligently for our failure.”


  25. jason330 says:

    Tom S,

    I think what you meant to say was “unassailably true.”

    We all know that it is impossible to argue that conservatives didn’t actively work to weaken the country over the past eight years.

    I’m not at all surprised you run away from that thought and the one time SC GOP Chair endeavors to deflect it with wit.

  26. FSP says:

    “That goat’s ass is of no use to me anymore.”

    You’re admitting it was once? That’s disturbing.

    And as far as me using wit and Tom trying to argue against your bitter idiocy, he just hasn’t learned yet that logic and reality took a train out of here about 18 months ago. He’ll get it at some point.

  27. anon says:

    reality took a train out of here about 18 months ago

    Dude – have you read your own site lately?