“Trump’s Use of Undocumented Workers” should be a big deal
Yeah, Trump is a criminal and hypocrite and an asshole. If you are paying attention to current events, you get those facts confirmed dozens of times a day. At this point, it is yawn-inducing.
Even this story which ties together the whole criminal-hypocrite-asshole kit and kaboodle, isn’t getting much airtime.
The president, who claims to be tough on crime and the best friend of the police, is in fact a criminal. He claims that America is being invaded by immigrants from Mexico and Central America who are committing crimes and taking American jobs. He’s on the verge of declaring this a national emergency so he can use extraconstitutional powers to build a border wall, but he’s been employing undocumented Latinx workers in his hotels and resorts for decades, in violation of the law.
When stories like this fail to elicit the proper amount of outrage and get wall-to-wall media coverage, it permits people to proudly wear their MAGA hats and say that the message is to “buy American, hire American.” In truth, Trump doesn’t hire American if he can help it. He’s running the biggest con I’ve ever seen.
Every employer’s use of undocumented workers should be a big deal.
I guess. But most employers don’t also try to vilify undocumented workers and spur their supporters to violence against immigrants.
Good luck with that. Something so common seldom qualifies as a big deal.
Continues to mystify why you’re with the conservatives on this issue.
The truth is that conservatives are the predominant employer of illegals and always have been, Trump just got caught. As noted he is virulently anti immigrant at this point, but as long as they work hard for less and don’t complain he could care less.
I’m convinced one of the reason this doesn’t get fixed is that it props up Social Security. Most undocumented folks are not working under the table, they are working using fake SSNs. They pay billions into a system they will never collect from.
This isn’t so much about undocumented workers. It is about the glaring hypocrisy coming from the immortal liar the currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and his equally unprincipled and delusional supporters.
@alby – both conservatives and liberal elitists favor continuing the use of illegal labor. I’m not with either of them.
You have just as much to say about legal immigrant labor, IIRC. The issue isn’t legality, it’s immigration. I’m for it, you’re against it, and being against it is not a liberal position.
You want a restricted labor market. Restricting markets always has a cost, which is why conservatives obsess about “free” ones. I have concluded the benefits of immigration outweigh the costs of trying to prevent it.
And by all means, please explain all the other differences between you and “liberal elitists.”
It’s like a football team to them. They’re all in even if their leader is corrupt mafia gambling leader who lets the air out of the football to cheat and win.
True Facts. Moreover, they like the competitive spirit of the cheater.
“Millions for E-verify, not one penny for a wall.”
Works for me. But I’d like to see a comprehensive guest worker system for agriculture, including living wages and humane treatment of their families.
Second that.