Carper Supports “Green New Deal”

Filed in National by on February 8, 2019

The statement is as bullshitty as Carpers most bullshitty statements, full of self-congratulations and reminders that he fought in ‘Nam.

If you want to think that this statement is a statement of support for The Green New Deal, you can do that.

If at some point in the future, Carper decides to slink away from it, and claim that he never supported the Green New Deal, he could do that as well.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (4)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    The Biden Fallacy

    By Jamelle Bouie

    Struggle against the powerful, not accommodation of their interests, is how Americans produced the conditions for its greatest social accomplishments like the creation of the welfare state and the toppling of Jim Crow. Without radical labor activism that identifies capitalism — and the bosses — as the vector for oppression and disadvantage, there is no New Deal. Without a confrontational (and at times militant) black freedom movement, there is no Civil Rights Act. If one of the central problems of the present is an elite economic class that hoards resources and opportunity at the expense of the public as a whole, then it’s naïve and ahistoric to believe the beneficiaries of that arrangement will willingly relinquish their power and privilege.

    If there’s a major division within Democratic politics, it’s between those who confront and those who seek to accommodate. Because we lack a varied vocabulary in mainstream political discourse, we call the latter “moderates” or “centrists,” which doesn’t capture the dynamic at work.

  2. T Kline says:

    If there’s a major division within Democratic politics, it’s between those who confront and those who seek to accommodate. Because we lack a varied vocabulary in mainstream political discourse, we call the latter “moderates” or “centrists,” which doesn’t capture the dynamic at work.

    I want the socialists (Progressives) that have hijacked the Dem party to LEAVE. Reignite the Socialism Party.

    • Alby says:

      I want the centrists (Republican) that hijacked the Democratic Party under Bill Clinton to LEAVE. Reignite government for the people instead of for jackwads like you.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Every time Tom comments I know socialism will win.