Wingnuts Should be Ignored

Filed in National by on February 10, 2019

As if on cue, some nitwit Fox News viewer pens a letter to the Delaware State News about how LBR doesn’t give fair time to the right-wing idiot perspective.

I received a letter from Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester, dated Jan. 17, 2019, regarding the partial government shutdown.

Unfortunately, I feel her letter was one-sided in not mentioning the role of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats as part of the failure to end the partial shutdown. Our president had tried to negotiate with her and at one point had offered security for the DACA recipients (many of whom actually do NOT fit the criteria of having been brought here as children) along with funding for the barrier.

Under our president’s leadership, the unemployment rate has dropped considerably for our black citizens but I have never heard Congresswoman Blunt Rochester talk about that. Nor have I heard her talk about how abortion, which she supports, is killing mostly lack (sic) babies. Also, Congresswoman Blunt Rochester has been reported as supporting making Delaware a sanctuary state. How would that promote the security of her constituents?

This is just the type of nonsense that makes Delaware electeds seek “the center.” There will be no recognition by LBR that this person is an extremist, a radical right-wing nut bag, but rather this person who HAS NOT VOTED FOR LBR, AND WILL NEVER VOTE FOR LBR will get thoughtful and kind treatment from our Rep because this shit allows her to occupy the mythical “middle.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    This entire goddamn state is replete with dumbfucks. I warned you guys.

  2. Nico says:

    I believe the correct term for this individual is ‘wingnut’

    These disreputable people should be exposed as the hypocrites in all that they do in their regressive thoughts, words and deeds.

    • Alby says:

      “I believe the correct term for this individual is ‘wingnut’”

      I see you’re unfamiliar with Jason’s idiosyncratic spelling issues.

      • jason330 says:

        I’ve never gone into it, but I’ve come to the knowledge that my idiosyncratic spelling issues are the result of a perfect storm of factors including; hippie teachers in the 60’s & 70’s who didn’t think spelling was very important relative to creativity, a touch of some kind of undiagnosed dyslexia, enough other strengths to disguise the issue, and a general laziness which kept me from addressing it.

  3. Alby says:

    Moral of the story: Never read the letters to the State News, unless you want to see what a strong influence Fox News can have on the weak-minded.

  4. Dave says:

    From the letter to the editor: “And where does she stand on an issue promoted by some in her party to allow illegals to have the right to vote and be included in the 2020 census.”

    Once again our nation’s sucky ass educational system bears rotten fruit. Is there anyone that doesn’t know that the Constitution specifically requires counting the whole number of “persons” and not just citizens?

    That’s obviously a rhetorical question because the letter clearly identifies Mr. Smiga as one of those who managed to get through school without acquiring the knowledge about which he current opines.

    I have grown so weary of fact correcting those around me, that I find myself preferring not to be around those people. Of course, since I don’t act like echo chamber and am prone to point out inconvenient facts, there are some who probably prefer not to be around me either.

    I’m about done with Delaware anyway. It’s time I head for warmer climes, south of the border.

    • Alby says:

      Wow. You’re seriously considering that?

      Also, too, his “give illegals the vote” meme requires oversimplification of the position so great it might as well be a lie.

      What I find dispiriting about letters like this one — and keep in mind, this is the literate fringe of their movement we’re reading — is the flimsy construction of their straw-man arguments. It’s as if they were never taught the basics of logic, and only absorbed the Sophists’ lessons on rhetoric.

      • Dave says:

        The Yucatan, specifically Merida, is very inviting and seeing how my Spanish proficiency is just enough to get fed, I don’t have pay attention to their politics. We may only snowbird it for a time. Mexicans are very gracious. Maybe we never were in the states, but if we were, it’s been long gone.

    • Alby says:

      Oh, and about those warmer climes: Thinking about warm weather in February is like going to the grocery store right before dinner, when even the Rice-a-Roni looks delicious.

    • Mike Dinsmore says:

      Pocomoke City?

  5. nathan arizona says:

    Hope you don’t leave, Dave. You bring a different, interesting and literate perspective to the blog even if I don’t always agree with you. On the other hand, sometimes being south of the border sounds pretty good.

    • Dave says:

      Thank you.

      I’m not giving up my DE residency though. I will be voting, although in Sussex I seem to be mostly on the wrong side (speaking of wing nuts).

      Besides, I’m still in the research and planning mode.

  6. bamboozer says:

    Attention: Wing Nuts are Air Force retirees to a large extent, they come from lovely red states like Oklahoma and Kansas and refuse to go the hell home. They incessantly write letters to the State News yet refer to it as “that Liberal rag”, the politicians that cater to them are Colin Bonnini (a.k.a Tweedledee) and similar parts of the problem in the state government. As noted there is no fixing it. As for south of the border screw it, I’m headed north.

    • Nico says:

      Due to my work situation, I spent a good deal of time in OK and KS. If you were from there and landed in DE you probably wouldn’t want to return home either. One and perhaps the only good thing is that they usually inhabit southern Kent and Sussex, staying away from the majority of us.

    • Dave says:

      I refuse to head towards snow. So south it is.

      The wing nuts in Sussex are also, those who have been here forever (Western Sussex) and New Jerseyites who want the same services they had there without the taxes.