I’m calling for Chris Coons to Step Down

Filed in National by on February 13, 2019

Calling for people to step down is all the rage these, so why not? I hereby call for Chris Coons to step down. The only choice right now, for the sake of the state and the country, is for Chris Coons to resign. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID, CHRIS.

That felt great!

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (13)

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  1. jason330 says:

    It just occurred to me that some idiot at WXDE 1059 may very well run with this story.

    Go for it Petree!

  2. ben says:

    I agree. It’s time for this compromised, AIPAC puppet to go.

  3. Delawaredude says:

    Breaking Chris coons steps down for doing something wrong when he was 12. John carney has announced Bethany hall long to the senate.
    Breaking on her first day on the job in the senate Bethany hall long asks “umm what’s this legislation stuff all about? Did I tell you I’m just a girl from Sussex?!”

  4. Faithful Skeptic says:

    And I’m calling for anyone involved with this site to cease posting if they’ve ever used foul language here or had impure thoughts. No proof needed, this is a court of truth and reconciliation, you know who you are.

  5. Annoymous says:

    I want a list of every ex gf or bf you ever had and if one gives something less then a glowing report I’m Gona assume the worst. Resign!

  6. delacrat says:

    Would you want Coons to resign even if he went back to voting like a Democrat? Or is it too late already ?

  7. Alby says:

    I’d be happy if he’d step up.

  8. Pootytang says:

    I know this may come as somewhat of a shock, but I heard that Park City Kathy hired “journalist” Rob Petree as her press officer…….

  9. bamboozer says:

    Step down, resign, get thee hence and fuck off! And try some of the spiffy hair paint Stephen Miller was sporting, it’s so you.