I love Beto

Filed in National by on March 14, 2019

Another Dem who can easily beat Trump (provided Dems don’t beat themselves) enters the race.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (43)

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  1. Delawaredude says:

    You know he has the most moderate voting record out of all declared congressional dems running for President right? Good to see you come around.

    Coons 2020 love to have your support

    • Alby says:

      Why are you here if you’re a moderate?

    • gobias says:

      Beto is far to the right, and is no way a moderate.

      • Alby says:

        You’ll have to back that up with something.

        • Gobias says:

          Gee, maybe the last sixty years of the country continually moving to the right, thus the media now framing a boilerplate 80s Republican like Beto as a “moderate”.

          The Republicans are so far to the right that the party should be criminalized. The “moderate” Dems are about as right as you can get without being Charlottesville Nazis. Centrism doesn’t look like Beto, it looks like Ocasio, Warren, and Sanders; and if you actually talk to Americans, the numbers back me up.

          • Alby says:

            You haven’t listed a single issue. And no, centrism does not look like Ocasio, Warren and Sanders. The numbers back up the notion that people want far more liberal policies than their elected officials do, across the board.

            Your model has no left at all.

            You’re preaching to the choir, and you’re doing a mediocre job of it.

  2. jason330 says:

    Comrade Dipshit,

    I love all the Democrats running and will support whoever they nominate, provided the process is fair and transparent.

  3. Delawaredude says:

    Good to hear! Some of what I hear around here scares me at times. Talks about throwing rich people in gulags and such

    • Alby says:

      And why should we not throw rich people in gulags?

    • jason330 says:

      I’ve been consistent. It is the extreme moderates who are so zealous in their moderation that they’ll do things like vote for Trump over Clinton because they are so easily duped that make me nervous.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    If you’re very good and don’t act like a fuckstick you’ll only get reeducation. Maybe two years of subsistence farming and we can reintroduce you into society.

    (Joking aside, you should be scared. That’s the idea. Start reassessing what’s happening and why. And, most importantly, what the endgame is. When say 50 people out of seven and a half billion own perhaps 90% of all the world’s wealth how do you foresee that ending?)


    Oh, and I’m a no on Beto. But I’ve said what I needed to say on that score. No need to rehash it.

  5. Dave says:

    “It is the extreme moderates who are so zealous in their moderation that they’ll do things like vote for Trump over Clinton”

    I’m not convinced any extreme moderate voted for Trump. But then 12% of Sanders supporters voted for Trump. https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds

    So I’ll give you the extreme – left and right. Clinton won the moderates, 52-40, but Trump won the independents 46-42. https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2016. Not sure how many moderates the independent group represented though.

    Even so, apparently there were a significant number of “hidden moderates” (those who lied about who they supported), who voted for Trump: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/16/opinion/did-moderates-help-elect-trump.html

    Could that happen in 2020? Yeah, I can see happening depending on where the Democratic candidate sits on the spectrum between left and right. If the candidate is perceived as too far to the left, I can see a similar outcome.

    I still do not understand how a moderate could have voted for Trump over Clinton, except perhaps because Trump is really a non-ideological moderate. An adulation seeking idiot surrounded by extremists, but still a moderate. Having no real beliefs or principles, except to enrich himself and his family, resulted in Trump being a political tabular rosa, upon which the extremists have managed to write whatever they wish.

    • jason330 says:

      “If the candidate is perceived as too far to the left, I can see a similar outcome.”

      How, in 2019, people can still not get it – I have no idea. The left/right thing is invented media nonsense AS YOUR OWN THOUGHTFUL COMMENT POINTS OUT.

      For the X to the 15th power time – it is not the “middle” that decides elections – it is the level of base activation.

      Trump v Clinton – Based activation
      Obama v Romeny – Base activation
      Obama v McCain – Base activation
      Bush v Kerry – Based activation
      Bush v Gore – Base activation

      HOLY FUCK I’m tired of correcting you centrist zealot idiots on this basic fully-knowable fact.

      • Alby says:

        It remains hard for many people to understand that it’s much easier to get a non-voter to vote than a GOP voter to change his vote.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Yeah, the ole ‘too-far-left’ trope. That’s a real classic.

        Chasing the middle when there’s no constituency there. Good plan.

        (Beto’s one national claim to fame is not being Ted Cruz.)

      • Dave says:

        Maybe we are talking past each other. I think you are saying that the middle doesn’t matter. I disagree. Obviously, they aren’t all that matters. The base has to be on board, but you can’t get over the top without some of the middle. And I’m saying that you ignore the middle at your peril.

        It’s a silly argument about which vote put the winner over the top. If I need 5 to win and I have 4 left and 1 middle in the count, did the 1 win it or did the 4? The right answer is it’s both.

        • Alby says:

          There is no energy in centrism. That’s why it loses.

          If people in the “center” are scared of the left, too fucking bad. Give them a choice of left or right, and if they choose right, fuck ’em, they weren’t with us to begin with.

          There’s no time left for holding the hands of the timid, Dave. We have 12 years. Centrism won’t get us there.

  6. Dave says:

    I think Beto will be an interesting candidate. Don’t know about his chances in the field or against Trump. But I am interested in what kind of campaign he runs and what his proposed policies and messaging will be. I’m glad he’s on board.

  7. RSE says:

    Curious about Beto’s choice of high schools. Woodberry Forest is a good enough school and all for dummies, but if you are smart enough and you don’t want to go to a top school in New England like most deep state elitists did, you go to “The High School” in Alexandria, not Woodberry Forest…I got into Woodberry Forest for Christ’s sake.

    • Alby says:

      In my experience parents, not students, pick the school. But good to see you focused on what matters.

    • ben says:

      I will enthusiastically vote/work for whoever the nominee is and will not go out of my way to trash any candidate during the primary. …..

      Seriously, what is this guy even? He banks on his ability to win in Texas but wont help eliminate MAGAT Cornyn even though he is the best/only one in a position to do so. Hinting that he doesnt think he can beat Cornyn kind of blows up the notion that he’ll carry Texas. He strikes me as a 2.0 version of Biden… complete with “win the center”, amorphous neo-liberal incrementalist bullshit politics.
      He’s talking this anointed crap about being born for it? gimmie a fuckin break.
      I put him just above Gabbard and just below Gillibrand on my preferences .

      • RSE says:

        He’s a rich white kid pretending to be a man of the people. He’s a sub par elitist who’s only talents are low quality punk rock music, skateboarding badly, looking somewhat like a Kennedy and self promotion..

        • Alby says:

          I don’t think you’re in any position to know what his “only” talents are.

          A rich kid pretending to be a man of the people put the current occupant in the White House, so you’ll have to come up with a reason he couldn’t win, not one why he could.

          • RSE says:

            Yeah, maybe I guess. Would be the norm probably.

            I don’t mind the elite running the government, but when they let us down they need to have a shot fired across their bow. Trump is the cannon ball.

  8. Delawaredude says:

    Just keep the keys away from Beto if starts drinking craft beer with his hipster supporters

    • RE Vanella says:

      Do you have a learning disability of some sort or do you take a high-dose psychiatric or what? You gotta let us in on it. It’s great content.

    • Alby says:

      You really are pathetic. Why don’t you join the GOP? You’d fit right in.

  9. Alby says:

    “He banks on his ability to win in Texas but wont help eliminate MAGAT Cornyn even though he is the best/only one in a position to do so.”

    None of this is accurate. He is not the best or only candidate; I’m going to wager that you don’t know jack shit about Texas politics. And why should he risk his political future on a race against Cornyn? If he loses, his career is over and he knows it. You apparently don’t.

    “Hinting that he doesnt think he can beat Cornyn kind of blows up the notion that he’ll carry Texas.”

    Cornyn is not Cruz. Cornyn is a mainstream conservative, not a despised show pony like Cruz. And Beto would be attempting to carry Texas against Trump, not Cornyn.

    There are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike his candidacy. Yours, except for his centrism, are not among them.

  10. Alby says:

    @ben, who wrote: “I put him just above Gabbard and just below Gillibrand on my preferences.”

    I don’t see how you can put Beto below Joe Biden. Biden is at least as far to the right, plus old and often wrong besides.

    And I put Trump ahead of Gabbard. If someone is going to fuck up the country, I’d prefer it be my opponent instead of my purported ally.

  11. nathan arizona says:

    REV, Ben: Don’t fear a little moderation. Be bold! Politics is not for the timid.

  12. Delawaredude says:

    I find it funny how some of you want to go after kavanaugh for an alleged sexual
    Assault 35 years ago but totally cool with Beto as an adult getting behind the wheel
    Shitfaced hitting something and fleeing the scene

  13. T Kline says:

    Beto = Failure…