General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., March 14, 2019

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 14, 2019

I guess that the ‘good news’ on a day with virtually no news is that several worthy bills previously discussed here cleared committees yesterday. Other than SB 17(Hansen), which addresses genetic discrimination in health insurance coverage, virtually every major bill discussed here yesterday passed out of committee.  Including: HB 63(Lynn); HB 38(Bentz); HB 39(Viola); SB 22(Townsend); HB 48(K. Williams); and SB 27(Walsh).

Of course, HB 63, which requires precautions for safe gun storage, did not clear committee w/o the NRA stooges fulminating about how this is will lead to the slippery slope of gun confiscation. Gotta say one thing: They haven’t come up with any new arguments in the past 20 years.

Here is yesterday’s Session Activity Report, such as it is.

The Senate has a one-bill agenda today and, no, it’s not the tobacco legislation.  SS1/SB 5(Hansen):

…addresses the serious problem of individuals dumping large quantities of trash on public and private property, by: • Defining a “substantial quantity” of litter as being more than an amount contained in a standard garbage can. • Providing enhanced penalties for the unlawful dumping of a substantial quantity of litter. • Creating the Litter Investigation and Enforcement Fund (“LIEF”), funded through restitution paid by offenders of this chapter, to support investigations to identify those who violate this chapter. This Act clarifies that a public authority or agency is not required to provide litter receptacles in a park or recreation area that is designated as a carry-on and carry-out facility.

It looks like this has been a ‘lumpy mattress’ bill, as in ‘you push down over there and something pops up over here’.  This substitute was just introduced yesterday in lieu of the original, and an amendment has already been placed with the bill.  It’s understandable–it’s a complicated piece of legislation. We’ll see if all the kinks have been worked out today.

There are two important and, IMHO, worthy bills, on today’s House AgendaHB 46(Kowalko):

…creates a Delaware Manufactured Home Owner Attorney Fund (“Attorney Fund”) by collecting a $0.50 monthly assessment per lot from manufactured home owners who rent a lot in a community governed by the Manufactured Home Owners and Community Owners Act. The Attorney Fund will be administered by the Department of Justice to contract with an attorney or agency who will provide legal representation and advocacy for manufactured home owners enforcing existing rights in disputes with community owners.

In other words, it helps to provide justice for those living in manufactured housing communities. Realtor/representative Ruth Briggs King has introduced an unfriendly amendment to the bill. Defeat the amendment, pass the bill.

The National Popular Vote Compact will also be considered in the House.  It will pass. The only real question is whether any R’s will vote for it.

That’s all I’ve got to work with. That’s all I’ve got.


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  1. RE Vanella says:

    “Nationalism is an infantile disease. As a citizen of Germany, I saw how excessive nationalism can spread like a disease, bringing tragedy to millions. I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism. Privileges based on position and property have always seemed to me unjust and pernicious, as did any exaggerated personality cult.”

    –Albert Einstein, born on this date in Ulm, Germany, 1879

    Happy Birthday to the relativity guy. E = mc² Wild stuff.

    • Jack Bucchioni says:

      Love this post, Bravo!

      • RE Vanella says:

        I live to post.

        • Bane says:

          “as did any exaggerated personality cult”

          He’s talking about Bernie supporters too. Same damn thing as nationalism. Just saying.

          • Alby says:

            Whatever the cult is about, it’s not his personality.

          • RE Vanella says:

            Bernie cult trope!! That ole chestnut.

            People love Bernie because of his policies and constituent message. If he moved to the center it would all fall away. Everyone knows that, but it’s still a good story.

            I’m not just saying!

            • Alby says:

              Exactly. The people who hate Bernie are the ones going by personality. They didn’t like his churlish way of pointing out that Hillary Clinton and her shitbag husband are just better-educated versions of Trump.

              • RE Vanella says:

                **me, a regular person** All his policy prescriptions are popular and the guy’s been consistent on them for 50 years.

                **you, a dumbass** People who like this are cultists!

  2. jason330 says:

    The NRA spokesperson is much more honest than Jeff Spiegelman, who says “Delaware’s definition of a firearm is very general, meaning that even a slingshot could qualify as a gun under state law.” This is the type of semantic bullshit that is much loved by gun nuts.

    At least the (openly) paid NRA spokesperson argues forthrightly in defense of irresponsible gun nuts.

    John Commerford, deputy managing director of state and local affairs for the NRA, stated the organization is opposed to the bill, describing storage as a “personal decision” of a gun owner…

  3. National Popular Vote Compact bill passes House, 24-17, and goes to the Governor.

    Two D’s, Lumpy Carson and Bill Bush, joined all Rethugs in voting no.

  4. BTW, Bill Bush was the only D to vote against Kowalko’s bill to ensure that manufactured housing residents have legal representation. Andria Bennett and Gerald Brady went not voting. Bush, who is one of Mark Brainard’s hatchet-men at Del-Tech, has taken the early lead for Least Democratic Democratic newcomer.

    • jason330 says:

      That’s a shame. Kent County west of 13 isn’t the boondocks it once was. This guy is setting up to be Bruce Ennis v 2.0

      • Bruce Ennis was a sponsor on Kowalko’s bill. Bush voted against it.

        Ennis gets a bad rap. Other than on some gun bills and marriage equality, which was not popular in his district when the bill passed, Ennis is a true D, and votes like one. And he almost always stands up for the little guy.