Supporting the Troops (Bush/Castle style)

Filed in National by on June 17, 2007

Castle SAYS he supports the troops,


and yet we’ve never seen those noble words backed up in ANY WAY.

MEANWHILE…The Washington Post Reports…


Army Spec. Jeans Cruz helped capture Saddam Hussein. When he came home to the Bronx, important people called him a war hero and promised to help him start a new life. The mayor of New York, officials of his parents’ home town in Puerto Rico, the borough president and other local dignitaries honored him with plaques and silk parade sashes. They handed him their business cards and urged him to phone.

But a “black shadow” had followed Cruz home from Iraq, he confided to an Army counselor. He was hounded by recurring images of how war really was for him: not the triumphant scene of Hussein in handcuffs, but visions of dead Iraqi children.

Yet even though Cruz had the support of the psychologist who examined him, who

wrote that Cruz was “in need of major help” and that he had provided “more than enough evidence” to back up his PTSD claim. His combat experiences, the letter said, “have been well documented.”

His claim was denied by the VA on grounds that he had psychological problems before he entered the service and that he had not proved he was ever in combat, despite his service as a scout and a commendation medal with valor – a designation that can only be awarded under combat conditions. He is offered only group therapy, with session not available on weekends or late enough for him to be able to keep his job and still attend.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. FSP says:

    “His claim was denied by the VA on grounds that he had psychological problems before he entered the service and that he had not proved he was ever in combat, despite his service as a scout and a commendation medal with valor – a designation that can only be awarded under combat conditions. He is offered only group therapy, with session not available on weekends or late enough for him to be able to keep his job and still attend.”

    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a perfect example of government-run health care. Shameful. And the VA is supposed to be a good example of the government in health care.

  2. The best way Rep. Castle can support the troops is by agreeing to let them live. This tired, illogical thought that if you are against the war you are against our troops is disgusting! As a Vietnam War veteran I was against the war before I was drafted, while I was serving, and when I came home.(following an honorable discharge) Does this mean that I was hopeing that I and my buddies were killed? Of course it doesn’t. It simply means that I acurrately predicted that the war was both unwinnable and was fought for a cause which DID NOT threaten us here at home. The only thing we have to show for our Vietnam fiasco is the names of 58,000 names on a wall. These nobel men and women were forced by LBJ, and “Tricky Dickie”, to die in vain.
    Surely, Rep. Mike, you are smart enough to see that Iraq is another unwinnable situation. We got involved in both wars because of false and manipulated intelligence.
    By supporting the continuation of this illegal war you are NOT supporting the troops! The best way to honor them is to pardon them from their Federal death sentence!! This country and it’s politicians have to stop equating dissent with treason.