Funny if he wasn’t a real person that ran our country into the ground

Filed in National by on January 19, 2009


At this point I don’t even laugh at this stuff.  I see it for what it is and wonder, really wonder how the hell people voted for him 2x’s.  How they don’t see that all he is is a PR puppet that is no substance.  He was and always will be the perfect symbol to me of how easily this country will fall for a fake character.  Polls and polls are done, teaching his “handlers” to have him roll up his sleeves just so, where this button down shirt, this color, this tie, this flight suit, carry this fake turkey.  All PR.  All a one big television production and the executives running the show are behind the scenes pulling in the huge advertising dollars (aka lobbyist money)

He disgusts me and the more I see and read about the “new guy” the less hopefull I am that “change” is coming.

I read a comment the other day I think at andrewsullivan that said something like this:  “You can’t replace a bad wheel with a good wheel if the axle is what’s broken”  Well, our government is the axle and Obama is a new wheel.

God save us…

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hiding in the open

Comments (15)

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    You’re a ray of sunshine today.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    When has Andy Sullivan not been a Concerned, Conservative Troll? Just because he’s a ghey Tory doesn’t make he any less of a Tory

    He might be on the side of reason now, but let’s remember how wrong he and many other ‘conservative’ blowhards have been over the past decade….

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    Andrew “5th Column” Sullivan

  4. Neptune says:

    Andrew Sullivan proved his loyalties when he drove the Trig Palin non-scandal (which fat Jason bought, hook-line’N’sinker) like he stole it.

    He’s as a gay a liberal teabagger as they come.

  5. neptune,

    she still hasn’t released her medical records and has even blocked the Anchorage Newspaper from doing an artticle proving that it is her child…

    still questions that could easily be answered if she just released information

  6. anon says:


    Stick it up Uranus.

  7. Neptune says:

    Donviti and Fat Jason..

    Two ‘mos, one cup!!!

  8. pandora says:

    Palin loves the Trig story. In true Far Right fashion, it allows her to get her victim on.

  9. anon says:

    Your DNA, the lawn boy’s and the postman’s should get me started.

    Something about Neptune’s comments tells me he has lots of experience with male DNA.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Wow! Isn’t The Master of One-handed Typing Nepute a little pisser?

  11. wow, I guess we are on a first name basis…

  12. Your desperation to change ip-addresses I think illustrates how big a loser you are.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    Donviti has his own internet stalker now.

  14. Steve Newton says:

    He disgusts me and the more I see and read about the “new guy” the less hopefull I am that “change” is coming.

    Which, properly read, is not a condemnation of Obama or his ideas, but a reluctance to believe that one man’s ideas and leadership can so dramatically shift the inertia of Congress or the bureaucracy.

    To be honest, I think the “Broken axle” to which DV refers is far more pronounced in Defense and foreign policy than in domestic affairs. Whether I like individual agenda items of his economic package or not, it’s clear that the majority of Americans do believe a new approach should be tried, and voted for him on that presumption.

    I think Barack Obama possibly enters the Presidency with at least as much political capital (if not more) than either Ronald Reagan or FDR. The question will be how he chooses to spend it.

    From a political standpoint I think commenters and writers here are correct: it would be–especially during 2009–a political mistake for him to compromise too much with the GOP. He’s going to get enough grief from the inevitable fragmentation of the Democratic majority, and if he starts off being conciliatory to GOP legislative ideas he risks the death of a thousand cuts (at least 3-400 of which will be delivered by Dems in Congress sensing weakness).

    If Obama wants to accomplish his agenda he has got to stick with the “bold action” theme and accept no substitutes.

    That’s why, politically speaking, I also disagree with Krugman’s assessment of health care. If Obama goes for the compromise that Krugman suggests, I don’t think those of you who want single-payer are going to see it during his Presidency.

    The man went for the Presidency when the pundits told him Hillary was a lock.

    If he wants to accomplish his aims he has to do the same thing now.