Biden Blames Bernie for Women Pointing Out He’s a Creep

Filed in National by on April 2, 2019

From a Slate story by Ben Mathis-Lilley:

Tuesday morning well-sourced Axios reporter Mike Allen wrote that the former veep’s “advisers” believe that “rival Democrats,” particularly Bernie Sanders, are responsible for the coverage of his alleged handsiness. Allen reports that Biden has told supporters that he is still going “full steam ahead” with his 2020 plans and that, according to “one prominent [Biden] backer,” he is ready to “kill Bernie.”

It’s becoming pretty clear that the main obstacle to defeating Trump is going to be Joe Biden and the idiots he surrounds himself with.

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  1. A ‘Bernie Sanders Can Go Fuck Himself’ story being readied for publication in 3…2…1…

    Can YOU say ‘cut and paste’?

  2. jason330 says:

    While you still have a shred of dignityy…get off the stage, Joe.

  3. Not to mention the ‘Joe As Victim’ meme doesn’t suit him. Ask Colm Connolly. Or Anita Hill.

    Plus, here’s something I’ll never forget. Way back in 1972, I was volunteering for McGovern. The HQ was on Washington Street, but on the eastern side of Delaware Avenue. Anyway, Biden had made a big deal about being the youngest elected Delawarean, having been elected to (I think) County Council. There was a guy who was a volunteer who also was running for county office. I think his name was John Riley. He was younger than Biden had been when Biden got elected.

    One day, Biden shows up at HQ and, just like that, gets into a physical scuffle w/Riley b/c Riley had the nerve to run for office at a younger age than Biden. There was more than a little punk kid in Biden at the time. In some ways, he and Tom Sharp were cut from the same cloth.

  4. Alby says:

    I’m waiting to see if the stories about him stiffing people who did work for him will hit the press. He’s got a lot more in common with Trump than people realize.

  5. BTW, Carper’s defense of Biden is, even by Carper standards, ludicrous:

    “Sen. Tom Carper, a longtime friend of the Biden family, defended the former vice president’s actions, saying they are a reflection of Delaware as “a very friendly state.”

    “Delaware is a state where its leaders hug people, men, women young and old,” he told The Hill. “We kiss babies. We do it in public. … It’s also important to always put ourselves in somebody else’s shoes and ask how I would want to be treated.”

    Right, we’re just so bleeping touchy-feely here.

  6. RE Vanella says:

    This is an anti-semitic trope!

  7. Jim from South Jersey says:

    At least VP Biden never walked into the dressing room unannounced at the Miss Teen USA beauty pageant while young contestants were in various stages of undress.

    That said IMHO it’s time for the Veep to pass the torch to a new generation of Democrats. He will be 79 on Inauguration Day 2021.

  8. jason330 says:

    It goes without saying that Trump is much worse.

    • Yes. But he’ll make Biden seem worse. A serial groper reciting ‘Creepy Joe’ like a mantra.

      I don’t get it either.

      • Alby says:

        Remember when Democrats thought John Kerry’s war record would make him immune to soft-on-terror charges against draft-dodger Bush? You can count on Democrats to make the same stupid assumptions over and over again.

  9. jason330 says:

    Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe now pushing the Bernie connection to this story. I wonder if Chris Coons will adopt the “Delaware is the Bonobo State” defense when he is asked about Joe.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    A Jewish man secretly behind a story literally everyone knew for decades?

    Anti-Semitic trope!

  11. Alby says:

    This should demonstrate how frightened of Bernie the establishment Democrats are. There are literally Republicans bemoaning the “circular firing squad,” something none of them said when Al Franken was defenestrated over less.

    Notice that Kirsten Gillibrand responded to this with a mouthful of mush.

    Motherfucker can’t raise a nickel from real people, but by god the right-wing Democrats are butt-hurt.

  12. Here’s the REAL reason(s) Biden should never be president. BTW, this is MUST reading:

    Inspirational Quote:

    “By the 1980s, Biden had begun to see political gold in the harsh antidrug legislation that had been pioneered by drug warriors such as Nelson Rockefeller and Richard Nixon, and would ultimately lead to the age of mass incarceration for black Americans. One of his Senate staffers at the time recalls him remarking, “Whenever people hear the words ‘drugs’ and ‘crime,’ I want them to think ‘Joe Biden.’” Insisting on anonymity, this former staffer recollected how Biden’s team “had to think up excuses for new hearings on drugs and crime every week—any connection, no matter how remote. He wanted cops at every public meeting—you’d have thought he was running for chief of police.”