How’s your day going?

Filed in National by on April 8, 2019

I can’t really talk about it (as you’ll see below) but I was just introduced to the club. Apparently, all human-beings of goodwill are by default in the club. They remain in the club by following the four rules, and three guidances.

Four Rules:
1) Do check to see that the club is having a great day.
2) Do help the club have a great day, whenever possible.
3) As much as possible, avoid talking about the club.
4) Don’t monetize or profit from the club.

Three Guidances:
1) Check to see that the club is having a great day by using the club greeting – How’s your day going?
2) Nobody needs to pretend to be having a great day, so if they aren’t that’s cool.
3) You can also help the club have a great day by having a great day yourself and by sharing the club’s four rules and three guidances with fellow human beings of goodwill.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Here I am breaking rule 3 again, but I have to say that this is about as cockamamie and utopian a scheme I’ve ever heard of.

    And yet, the idea that we are all members of a club that spans the world, and that you can only flunk out by not being of “goodwill” or trying to monetize it is compelling.

    Have a great day.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    I appreciate the sentiment, anyway. A for effort.

  3. Ben says:

    Not bad. Thanks for asking. A little too nice to be cooped up inside, but i was recently moved at work out of a basement and to a room with a window, so that’s pretty sweet.

  4. donviti says:

    My wife woke me up b/c I was snoring, so the rest of the night I slept poorly worrying about snoring and waking up said wife. Allergy season is here

  5. Dave says:

    I am the master of my domain (Seinfeld).

    Which always reminds me of William Henley poem Invictus.

    ….It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate,
    I am the captain of my soul.

    It’s a bit solemn, but a constant reminder that I am responsible for my own happiness, successes, and failures. and when the counting is done, I am hopeful that the successes will outweigh the failures and that I was happy more often than not.. I am having a great day because I choose to regardless of the crap I have to deal with.

    • Jason330 says:

      I sense a lot of connectedness in your comment. Being able to imagine that your are a sturdy lone wolf is one of the many fruits of privilege. I think this is more for people with much less connectedness than you. .

      Checking in on you…asking if you are having a great day is somewhat superfluous, isn’t it?

      • Dave says:

        Nah, it’s not that I’m a sturdy lone wolf, it’s that I have become adept at managing expectations. I expect everything of myself and nothing of anyone else. I’m never disappointed in others because I have no expectations of them. When others exceed those lack of expectations I am pleasantly surprised and always grateful.

        And yeah, it’s superfluous. Still, it’s nice to be asked. You exceeded my expectations and for that I am grateful.

  6. mouse says:

    I biked the boards and on the beach in Rehoboth.