Bernie Wins Praise for “Medicare for All” on Fox News

Filed in National by on April 16, 2019

I’m not one of the many Democrats who had to take to the fainting couch when Sanders decided to appear on Fox News. His economic message needs to be heard be the audience of weirdos and angry shut-ins that Fox has cultivated. He is also impervious to “gotcha” because he is utterly, unshakably consistent in his message.

That said, I don’t know how it went down because I didn’t watch. But early reviews are good, at least when dealing with Medicare for all.

During a live town hall hosted by Fox News on Monday night, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) responded to a question about why he wants the federal government to provide health insurance for everyone with the usual arguments in favor of a system he calls “Medicare for All.”

He told the largely supportive audience in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, that Medicare is already working well for seniors, and that extending it to the entire population is simply a logical response to problems in the private insurance market.

Bret Baier, a Fox News anchor co-hosting the town hall, followed up by asking the audience how many people currently receive health care coverage from private insurance through their job. A majority of people, including Sanders and Baier, raised their hands.

Then, presumably hoping to show that a transition to public insurance would encounter skepticism, Baier asked the audience how many of those people would want to switch to Medicare for All.

Nearly everyone in the room who had raised their hands raised them again.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (56)

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  1. ben says:

    I also saw his taxes are out and, while still early, no sign of being a secret Russian or MRA agent. now what are the Bidenites (working on it) gonna do?
    Of course it could be more than 10 years ago when he started working for Ben Shapiro and Putin.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Healthcare is the ultimate winner for the Dems, this is some proof and on Fox News no less. Medicare for all is popular with nearly all Americans, if you want something that unites the country perhaps this is it.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Bernard was killer last night.

  4. Delaware Left says:

    Nice to see DL not punch left for a change.

    It’s pretty clear that Sanders is the front runner, it’s been nice to see the broader news media reflect that for at least 1 morning

  5. mouse says:

    Don’t hit me, I almost blew over in the wind yesterday

  6. Dave says:

    I honestly could not care less about his tax returns (Trump’s either, except for prurient interest, like how many women were paid off).

    Most interesting to me were two things. The first is that Fox did not appear to stack the audience. There have been signs recently that Fox has some interest in becoming an actual journalistic enterprise. It’s too soon to tell of course, but if you watch carefully, the news side seems to be pushing back on the propaganda side of the house.

    The second is that the audience demonstrated there is significant interest in a public option, such as Medicare. Whether that is a MFA or significant improvements in ACA, they are currently unsatisfied with the current state of affairs. Their reaction should provide clues to candidates about how to structure their messaging and proposed policies.

    • donviti says:

      after reading some of your comments I see why you get the abuse (deserved) that you do. Why you keep coming back for more is beyond me

  7. Alby says:

    “I honestly could not care less about his tax returns”

    I do, because I think they will point the way to more lawbreaking. Now you might say “so what?” but the point is that Congress has an obligation to impeach a lawbreaking president.

    Failure to impeach — that is, to open the investigation — is another boneheaded move by the cowardly Democratic Party.

    Interesting note: Those who put a political interpretation on the original “Wizard of Oz” novel think the Cowardly Lion represented William Jennings Bryant.

  8. CinqueB says:

    All You Medicare for all people. I live In Germany and have a “German Green Card” The “socialist” solution is lying to you. I pay 1000 Euro per month just for me. My wife also pays 700 euro. Someone always pays. Back in the 80s all prescriptions were free, not so much anymore. Can anyone guess what you pay for Crestor or allegra? You guys have no clue.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Do you forego GVK for private PKV?

      Anyone making like 60,000 Euro or less have to buy into the GVK scheme but the choices are all non profit and heavily regulated. You pay like 10% of your salary unless you make less than I think 900 Euros a month. In which case you don’t pay.

      It’s basically means tested Medicare that dates back to the 1880s. In 2017 over 80% of Germans rated the coverage Excellent or Good.

      But yeah, we have no clue.

      Of course it is based on your income. Care to tell us?

  9. RE Vanella says:


    GKV covers you for primary care with registered doctors, hospital care (both in- and out- patient) and basic dental treatment. Non-working dependents living at the same address and registered with the Krankenkasse are covered at no extra cost.

    Better outcomes. Higher satisfaction. Lower cost than the US.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    Note to Readers:

    I love when motherfuckers come on here telling me what I know and don’t know. Love it.

    Especially rat fuck cowards who won’t sign their names.

    Und ich würde es gerne zu ihrem Gesicht sagen. Sind wir gut?

    • CinqueB says:

      Hey rat fuck they have pre existing conditions also whether privat or public. Live over here and experience it asshole. You can read all you want. Good use of Google Translate dick head.

      • RE Vanella says:

        You mad bruv? You seem mad.

        You were crying about costs.

        Do you have GVK or private? GVK is strictly income based. Basically the same for everyone. So… Would you like to provide details, dude… Or are you too angry due to embarrassment?

        Hahahaha bye buddy.

        • RE Vanella says:

          ***I do know some German but I did have to look up the phrase for “to your face”. I admit it.***

        • CinqueB says:

          The German Health Insurance program is based on what you earn. If you make over $58.000 per, you are on private health Insurance. That means you pay a whole shit pot full of money. That also means you go to the head of the line and get the primo health care. Like a single room and no waiting in line. If you are on Public/Government you might get a spot on the bus and a room with 12 people. Your care is also rationed and if you are too old you dont get it.

      • Alby says:

        Way to avoid the issue. Your expensive insurance is half what it costs in the USA. Live over here and experience it.

  11. Alby says:

    And here in the USA I paid $2,160 a month just for me. So the capitalist solution is not the answer. Nobody is under the impression it’s free. The point is it costs around half as much, not zero.

    Meanwhile, Crestor? I dunno, but I imagine it’s about the same amount as snake oil, which is what you’re taking. Allegra is OTC here; I’m not sure what they charge for Kleenex.

    If you wanna get selfish, I’m paying a lot of money so that a bunch of babies like you don’t have to deal with the sniffles.

  12. Alby says:

    Gotta wonder about a guy living in Germany so hard up for a fight he has to visit a blog in Delaware.

  13. CinqueB says:

    The German Health Insurance program is based on what you earn. If you make over $58.000 per, you are on private health Insurance. That means you pay a whole shit pot full of money. That also means you go to the head of the line and get the primo health care. Like a single room and no waiting in line. If you are on Public/Government you might get a spot on the bus and a room with 12 people. Your care is also rationed and if you are too old you dont get it.

    • Alby says:

      The “whole shit pot full of money” is, as I laid out for you, half what it would cost you in the USA. What say you?

      Also, you’re going to have to provide a link for the death panel claim. Smells like bullshit, and I’ve never seen anything claiming that.

      If you like our health care so much, move back to the states.

      • CinqueB says:

        Please, just give me a ball bark figure on what you earn and your age. For example, I am 59 and earn about 5,000 dollars a month. My tax rate is about 85% what is yours?

        • Alby says:

          When I was paying that, roughly the same as you.

          Current cutoff in Germany is 60,750. Euros, not dollars.

          Your tax rate is 85%? I seriously doubt that.

          Wikipedia, updated two weeks ago:

          Income tax in Germany is progressive: first, income tax rates start at 14%, then they rise incrementally to 42%; last, very high income levels are taxed at 45%. The top tax rate of 42% applies to taxable income above €55,961. Finally, for taxable income above €265,327, a 45% tax is applicable

        • Dave says:

          Wait, I don’t want to let this part go without clarification.

          You earn $5,000 per month.
          Your effective tax rate (the amount of your earnings paid in taxes) is 85%
          $5,000 x .85 = $4,250
          Leaving you with $750 a month.
          Is that correct?

      • CinqueB says:

        Did I say anything about death panel? so, stfu?

        • Alby says:

          you said old people are denied health care. And watch your mouth.

          • CinqueB says:

            They are, just ask my dear departed mother in law. Oh wait, you can not. She is dead because they told her she was to old.

            • Alby says:

              Sure they did. They’re just hiding this facet from the public, I suppose.

              So far you’ve claimed you pay an 85% tax rate, which is pure bullshit. You have failed to acknowledge that I paid twice what you’re complaining about when I was two years older and made about $3,000 less. Now you’re claiming that your mother-in-law was denied health care, but you can’t point me to any printed policy that says that.

              I have to wonder now about your sincerity, because you clearly think we’re stupid enough to believe anything you type.

  14. CinqueB says:

    Did I say anything about death panel? so, stfu?

  15. Alby says:

    @Cinque B: Your whole beef seems to be that folks think Medicare for All would be free. That’s a straw man — idiots might think that, but nobody who studies the issue even a little bit does.

    The issue is that the American system builds profit into every step. Single-payer systems avoid both that cost and the cost of “competition.”

    It’s American economic ignorance at work. The most efficient system is a monopoly, which is why every capitalistic enterprise seeks to establish one. The “competition” in health care is to find someone else to pay the bills, not to deliver better or more efficient care. Why do you think private enterprise always complains about government taking over anything? It’s not because it’s more expensive — it’s because it’s cheaper and private enterprise can’t compete.

    • CinqueB says:

      You don’t think the socialist system is predicated on making money for the ruling class? That is where all you supposed Democrat dick heads like vanella and I differ. You guys think people like AOC mean something.

      • Alby says:

        Whether I do or not, it doesn’t have anything to do with the issue at hand. You don’t live under a socialist system, here or in Germany, so it has no bearing on any issue.

        • CinqueB says:

          Yes it does, I live under a socialist boot here in Germany. Whichich boot do you wat to live under?

          • Alby says:

            What a child. No, you don’t. You’ve really retreated into ignorance now. Give up while you’re behind.

            • CinqueB says:

              Alby, you are a fool

              • Alby says:

                Better a fool than an ignorant liar like you.

                I’ve given you plenty of opportunity to retract your false statements, and that’s your response.

                So who’s the fool?

              • CinqueB says:

                what false statements? Are you trying the same old Hillary ploy? You have no real answers to the real world.

              • Alby says:

                Oh come off it. I laid them out. Are you illiterate?

                Here it is again:

                So far you’ve claimed you pay an 85% tax rate, which is pure bullshit. You have failed to acknowledge that I paid twice what you’re complaining about when I was two years older and made about $3,000 less. Now you’re claiming that your mother-in-law was denied health care, but you can’t point me to any printed policy that says that.

                Get honest or get out.

              • CinqueB says:

                ditto dick head. You have no clue and you refuse to expand your horizons.

              • Alby says:

                You’re the lamest troll ever. I don’t think you actually live in Germany, either.
