Mike Castle talks tough when it comes to killing frozen embryo Americans

Filed in National by on June 19, 2007

Mike Castle, who has no known children, got all up in the President’s grill,

Bush to Veto Stem-Cell Measure, Setting Up Votes to Override
By Catherine Larkin

June 19 (Bloomberg) — President George W. Bush will veto legislation to expand federal funding for human embryonic stem- cell research tomorrow, officials said, setting up votes in Congress to override his decision.

“I consider this to be an overwhelming error” on Bush’s part, Republican Representative Michael Castle of Delaware said at a press conference in Washington today. “I consider this to be flat-out wrong because of the significance of what can be done with this research.”

Overwhelming error? Flat-out wrong?

Where is that bravado when it comes to Iraq?  Is this a little bit of water over the dam?   [Man-up Mike (Castle’s brain) Quaranta – and start making Castle earn his “moderate” designation.]

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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