Democratic Legislative Leaders Disgrace Themselves

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 13, 2019

“At this time, we are not planning to, or I’m not planning to (send the gun bills to the floor), because we do not have the support of the caucus…I think with any bill, compromise is huge.”-Sen. Nicole Poore

Thus spoke Delaware’s Most Unethical Legislator in explaining why she and President Pro-Tem Dave McBride broke leadership’s promise to release gun bills to the floor of the Senate.

When Nicole Poore speaks of ‘compromise’, she speaks of compromising on the issue of banning assault weapons that serve no public purpose, and restricting the size of magazines that are only used to kill in mass shootings. People who are willing to ‘compromise’ on such issues, especially Democrats, especially Democrats who solemnly promised to vote to release the bills from committee, belong neither in the Delaware General Assembly nor in leadership.

As to Dave McBride, who solemnly pledged to release the bills from committee, he has responded in cowardly fashion.  Unavailable for comment which, BTW, is not the same as unavailable.

People took him at his word, and worked very hard to build a coalition for these bills. Instead, McBride and Poore responded to the dead-enders who always show up in Dover whenever the NRA sends out its latest propaganda. They know better as every poll demonstrates, but they’re trying to give themselves (pardon the expression) cover. 

They have disgraced themselves, they have abandoned the principles of the party they purport to represent, and they have lied to the people of this state. Were they capable of self-reflection, they would resign their leadership positions in acknowledgement of their dishonesty.  They’re not, though.  They are now proven liars who are daring their constituents to vote them out.  There can be no compromise. They have proven themselves unworthy of serving in an honorable way.  For those of you who believe in common sense gun control: Find strong challengers and take McBride and Poore out. You will have our support.

There was yet another (although less blatant) disgrace foisted on us by the Democratic leadership. From Delaware Online:

The sponsor of the bill, Speaker of the House Pete Schwartzkopf, did not reply on Friday to a request to comment. His cosponsor in the Senate, President Pro Tem David McBride, declined an interview.

In an emailed statement, McBride said Schwartzkopf, a Rehoboth Democrat, had requested that he join as a co-sponsor. He said he has “no reason to doubt” previous statements from Calagione that the law change will create jobs in Delaware. 

The bill in question is HB 125.  Here’s what I wrote about the bill on Thursday:

Talk about being fast-tracked. Someone has gone to great lengths to jump HB 125(Schwartzkopf) to the head of the legislative line. It is notable that the two top legislative leaders are the sponsors.  Again, I certainly support our craft brewing industry, but I would like to know why this bill has a rocket up its butt.  Anybody have any info?

There was nothing in the vaguely-worded bill, repeat nothing, that provided any notice as to what the real purpose of the bill was. I honestly wonder how many legislators knew what it did.  Were they all sworn to secrecy until the bill passed? If so, they’re all disgraces.  The bottom line is that a bill that primarily increases one person’s already formidable wealth was rushed through the General Assembly in total secrecy. Think any of you would be given the same consideration? Within an hour after the bill passed, the merger between Dogfish and Boston Brewing was announced.  John Carney, of course, had already secretly pledged to sign it.

Thursday, May 9, 2019: A date that will live in legislative infamy.


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  1. MAGA says:

    What it ultimately comes down to is very simple. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. You Leftists only want the military, police and the criminals to have guns. That is what leads to control of the general population. No thank you.

    • Jason330 says:

      What it ultimately comes down to is very simple. Idiot dupes of the gun manufacturing lobby are few and we are many. Your days are numbered.

    • Alby says:

      What’s funny is that you don’t recognize the police already control the general population. That’s because you’re a moron.

    • Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

      It’s even simpler than that; it’s about a democratic process and keeping your word. They promised the bills would come to the floor for a vote, it was in their power to make that happen, they did not do it. If the “caucus” doesn’t support the bills then let the members of the “caucus” vote the bills down and explain their reasoning. That’s democracy, We The People, etc.

  2. True–Except the ‘members of the caucus’ who we thought would support the bills but who won’t are the same ‘members of the caucus’ who killed the bills in committee: McBride and Poore.

    Lying by misdirection is still lying.

  3. Dewdropper says:

    Dogfish Head sells out to a monster brewery / hedge fund outfit. There goes a great Delaware story and company. Buy small, buy local! No more Dogfish Head for our household.