Fuck Fox News

Filed in National by on May 16, 2019

Seriously. Fuck that Trump/GOP propaganda bullshit factory. Go on it, don’t go on it, but for the love of SkyDad, stop pretending that it is a legitimate media company. It isn’t.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSE says:

    I know, right? If we had a real government Fox News would have been banned years ago. It’s time for everyone to get with the program.

    • Alby says:

      Lying isn’t a good look on anyone. Calling it Fox “News” is a lie, so it doesn’t look good. Most of what they air is opinion, and their news selection is so biased it obviates what information they do carry.

      Only dipshits defend it. Please take note.