Cloutier & Delcollo Among Most Endangered R’s In The Country

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on May 28, 2019

Failure to provide strong challengers to them would be political malpractice.

How endangered are they, you ask? Uh, how about #2 and #6 in the United States when it comes to state senators?

Check out this chart:

BTW, if you click on the lefthand chart a couple of times, the print becomes much more readable.

OK, OK, I get it. It’s only ‘some guy named Barry on Twitter’. But the numbers, at least as they apply to Delaware, are legit.  Both Cloutier and Delcollo won despite representing districts that went overwhelmingly for Clinton and Obama. Cloutier had a terrible challenger in 2016, and Delcollo took advantage of an incumbent who had worn out her welcome. Clinton won Cloutier’s district by a 20.8% margin, and she won Delcollo’s district by a 16.3% margin.

In cases like these, it often doesn’t matter how good a job the state senator may be doing. I think that both of these districts will vote overwhelmingly against Trump in 2020. You already saw how Trump Aversion impacted itself  statewide and in New Castle County races in 2018. Downballot R candidates are once again likely to get caught up in the undertow in 2020.

I know that Cloutier has at least one strong D challenger (no, it won’t be Sean Matthews). If someone like, say, Jordan Pusey challenges Delcollo, I’d make her the favorite.

Regardless, these are two prime pickup chances for the Party. Here’s hoping that we get some true progressives to make the challenge and move the Senate leftward. And here’s hoping that the state party won’t twiddle its thumbs, to mix a metaphor.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the headline. I needed a pick me up. While Delcollo is doing everything he can to downplay his party affiliation, I have heard that Raser-Schramm and Chadderdon really want to get him replaced.

    If true, that’s huge.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    There is also the possibility that Delcollo will run for Governor, thus opening up the seat.

  3. As Soon As Possible says:

    The Rs new strategy is just to run as Ds.

    Why cant we get primary challengers for EVERY “D” in Kent and Sussex County and some Ds in New Castle County.

    Every Asshole D who voted against Gun Legislation would be a good start.

  4. jason330 says:

    Given her age (born July 25, 1950, 70 years old by election day 2020), maybe Cloutier doesn’t even run?

    • RE Vanella says:

      Older people care about age more. It isn’t experience. It’s because you are closer to an existential crisis.

      Just because you’re tired doesn’t mean they’re tired.

      Please note, this is a general observation. Not specific to Jason’s comment or Cloutier

    • She says she’s running. One reason why she wussed out on the gun bills was b/c some NRA goons cornered her at her fundraiser. She is also dependent on the trade union guys. In other words, she’s not free to vote her alleged conscience, which is as good a reason as any to send her packing.