Democratic Party = Morons Inc.

Filed in National by on June 2, 2019

The most depressing aspect of watching the slow-motion self-pwning of the Democratic Party is that it doesn’t have to be this way. There’s plenty of data out there to show that all those gut feelings about running to the center is a strategy that no longer works. The most convincing, if the hardest to understand, is the argument laid out by French political economist Thomas Piketty To quote from Keith Spencer’s article in Salon:

Piketty’s basic thesis is that poorer and less educated voters were historically the kind of voters who voted for left and left-liberal parties. These voters understood that their class interests did not align with the right-wing parties of the rich; thus, historically, the “high-income, high education” voters picked the right-wing parties.

This shifted in the past 70 years: “high-education elites now vote for the ‘left’, while high- income/high-wealth elites still vote for the ‘right’ (though less and less so),” Piketty notes. Note the scare quotes around “left”: part of Piketty’s point is that the so-called left parties, like the Democratic Party in the U.S., the Socialists in France and Labour in the U.K., have in the past two decades not really been that left, at least on economic issues. With the exception of Jeremy Corbyn’s contemporary Labour Party, the aforementioned are aligned with the same kind of neoliberal economic policies that rich elites favor.

Without a strong egalitarian-internationalist platform, [Piketty writes], it is difficult to unite low-education, low-income voters from all origins within the same coalition and to deliver a reduction in inequality.

Nominating centrist Democrats who don’t speak to class issues will result in a great swathe of voters simply not voting. Conversely, right-wing candidates who speak to class issues, but who do so by harnessing a false consciousness β€” e.g. blaming immigrants and minorities for capitalism’s ills, rather than capitalists β€” will win back those same voters who would have voted for a more class-conscious left candidate. Piketty calls this a “bifurcated” voting situation, e.g. many voters will connect either with far-right xenophobic nationalists or left-egalitarian internationalists, but perhaps nothing in between.

That probably exceeds fair use and it still oversimplifies the argument, so read the whole thing. The upshot is simple: Democrats who eschew popular programs because of “pragmatism” will probably lose because they will leave too many voters unmotivated.

You’d think Democrats would understand that by now, but no, there was former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a well-off entrepreneur, telling California Democrats last night that “socialism is not the answer.” To their great credit, the crowd booed him heavily, which the nation’s clutch of white, well-off pundits will chalk up to Californians not representing “real America.”

You know who said almost exactly the same thing at the same time? Former Tennessee Rep. and multimillionaire Diane Black. Discussing the Hickelooper incident on CNN this morning she said “this whole thing about sharing and making sure everybody has the same thing. It’s not what we were founded upon.”

That’s whose side Joe Biden, John Hickenlooper and, yes, Mayor Pete are on. Vote for any of them? Not on your life. I will only vote for someone who understands that compromise with these people is not only impossible, it’s not desirable. If someone wants to kill 10 people, and you want to kill none, killing five is not an acceptable compromise. Yet that’s the option Democrats choose every time.

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  1. MFX says:

    I’m sure I’m opening a can of worms here, but I’m still interested in clarification. Is the bottom line here that you see anything short of committing entirely to pure Socialism or Marxism or Communism as pointless? You don’t see any room at all for a blend of capitalist principles and socialist principles? No way for them to complement each other?

  2. Alby says:

    Of course there is. But if you talk compromise you get nothing. The Democrats have proved that over and over again.

    We got Social Security because it was a compromise with communism. They would never have passed it without that threat.

    Democrats suck at strategic thinking.

    When Americans talk about socialism, they mean democratic socialism along the lines of Europe’s. Given the lack of production, it would be pointless to seize the means of production. Even without profits or management, American wages are too high to compete with backward nations that don’t give a fuck about their people.

    Capitalism is exploitation, pure and simple, and we have reached the point where it does more harm than good, both to people and the environment.

  3. Jack Marquette says:

    It boggles the mind to see people attack the very engine of America’s success, namely reward for hard work. If we infect the US with socialism, we remove all incentive to succeed as individuals, as anything we do will be handed to others who didn’t lift a finger to get it. Complete lunacy and about as un-American as hot dogs made of cat litter. Good grief. Where do you profane people come from? Hell?

    • Jason330 says:

      If our system actually rewarded hard work, chicken plant workers and teachers would be the richest people in Delaware.

      Thanks for commenting.

    • Alby says:

      Yes, the slaves who built the South (and Washington, DC) were certainly rewarded for their hard work.

      Jesus, where do you people come from? America’s “success” was built on exploitation, fuckwad.

    • MFX says:

      Are you under the impression that there is NO cat litter in hot dogs …. ? Might wanna double-check on that.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Yeah, the invisible hand of the market washes chicken in chlorine and pumps hard core antibiotics into cows because that’s how we’re free!

        Liberty = drug resistant bacteria

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Imagine really believing capitalism rewarded hard word.

    • Alby says:

      Easy to do. Just imagine getting a lobotomy.

      No better illustration that the sorry exercise we call “education” in this country is actually just propaganda. And as Fox shows every day, propaganda works.