Trump Tweeted “Prince of Whales”

Filed in National by on June 14, 2019

Funny!  Trump is stupid!  Prince of Whales.   Meanwhile he is still in charge, appointing judges and generally fucking up our democracy.   But, sure, point and laugh.  It’s more than what congress is doing.  


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. Arthur says:

    George Takei’s tweet about it was great

  2. bamboozer says:

    Yep, the carnage continues as an assortment of old white fools cheer the monster on. Think Revanella is down on Boomers? I blow his ass away and I am one!

  3. Dave says:

    Yes, he is that dumb. It was not a typo or spelling correction error. He honestly thought that’s how it was spelled. It’s a consequence of never reading anything. All you know is how words sound and Wales sounds like “whales” ergo Prince of Whales.

    The only people dumber than Trump are his supporters, especially in their command of the English language and grammar. Him and his tweets have jumped the shark a long time ago.

    Honestly, he is amazing dumb, which just goes to show you, a lack of intelligence is no impediment to success in America.

    • Stat says:

      What the hell is this dumbass rambling on about.

      • Alby says:

        Who, Trump? God alone knows. If not Trump, please be aware no Trump supporter can criticize anyone else on earth for “rambling on.”

        Oh, wait. That would require you to be self-aware, a feat no Trump supporter is capable of.

  4. MAGA says:

    Hey Dave- “Him and his tweets”? You sure have a command of the English language and grammar.

    • Alby says:

      It’s a law of the internet that any comment criticizing spelling or grammar will have an 85% chance of containing a spelling or grammatical error.

  5. Alby says:

    The Prince of Whales is probably upset that his subjects keep washing up dead with stomachs full of plastic.

    Personally, I can’t hear the phrase, especially this much, without humming, “Prince, prince, prince, prince of Wales, prince, prince, prince of Wales…”

  6. MAGA says:

    It’s a law? Just like most of the bile you spew Alby, I think you pulled that out of your arse.

    • Alby says:

      Quite the sense of humor you got there. Why are you here, did your hand cramp up or are you just out of lotion?

  7. MAGA says:

    So no proof of the “law” I didn’t think so, but your masturbation comment is a laugh riot. I’ll bet you and the rest of the sophomores at the lunch table really crack up when you drop that line.

    • Alby says:

      It was a joke, imbecile. Like Godwin’s Law, it’s not an actual law. If you’ve spent any time on comment boards, though, you’ll notice that quite often such comments contain the kind of errors the writer is complaining about. Only a stone cold imbecile would take it literally.

      Jesus, are all conservatives this stupid?

  8. MAGA says:

    Alby- You are obviously bored, not to mention boring. Your whole existence is blogging and insulting people. You need a job. Put your resume out there. Who knows, there may be a publication that needs a restaurant critic. Worth a shot.

    • MFX says:

      Did you seriously just take time out of your day to post on a blog that someone ELSE needs a job? You see no irony in that at all?

      • Alby says:

        Of course not. They’re just that stupid. As I noted above, completely lacking in self-awareness.

        Why would you urge someone who doesn’t need a job to take one? Are you that enamored with seeing people take orders from others, or just frustrated that nobody takes orders from you?

  9. MAGA says:

    How’s that? You just did the same thing. Don’t you see the irony in that?

    • Alby says:

      Wow. The classic “I know you are but what am I.” The same thing I made a joke about that you didn’t get. Plus, why exactly do you think anyone would take advice from a rando internet troll? Are you under some misimpression that someone who’s happily retired should get a job so he stops typing things that annoy you?

      I do this because I enjoy it. Knowing it pisses you off is icing on the cake.

      Jesus, I’ll buy you the hand lotion. Just step away from the keyboard, trog.