More News That’s Not About Trump

Filed in National by on June 21, 2019

Against all evidence, events occur in the nation and world that have nothing to do with the tangerine tyro, or Americans’ obsession with him. To wit:

Philadelphia refinery explosion visible from space: But only on infrared, thanks to our region’s new semi-permanent cloud cover.

Vaping device explodes in teen’s mouth, shatters jaw: Now I can tell vapers they need that nicotine like they need a hole in their face.

20,000 Christians petition Netflix to cancel a satire about God and Satan — on Amazon Prime: It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a Christian to get his facts straight.

Consider this a reminder that the world is going to shit with or without Trump.

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  1. jason330 says:

    “Joe Biden’s Endless Search for the Middle on Race”

    That Atlantic headline is devastating. Some people think African Americans are fully American and are entitled to be treated with respect, and some don’t. Where is the middle ground on that?