DL Open Thread: Mon., June 24, 2019

Filed in Featured by on June 24, 2019

The Green New Deal: Give The People What They Want.  59% approval. Remember that when watching the debates.

The Right Wing Group Fighting Against Gerrymandering.  Not all R’s suck. Here is such a rarity.

The ‘Red Flags’ Files: What Vetters Really Thought About Prospective Trump Nominees

How Biden And McConnell Cut A Deal To Screw Progressive Tax Initiatives. Seriously, he fucks up everything. Here’s how he uncercut Harry Reid.

Amazon Dominates Bookselling, Doesn’t Care Whether Books Are Counterfeit.  If you’re only gonna break up one monopoly, make it this one.

I would have posted a Delaware story, but it seems that every Delaware reporter was at Firefly, which has already jumped the shark.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Jason330 says:

    Holy Shit! That Biden story is infuriating. What the FUCK is he doing running for President? Seriously.

    • Alby says:

      Ego trip. He’s always been all about Joe and fuck everybody else. Love this quote from a GOP op:

      “The reason he has such good relationships with Republicans in the Senate is he never hesitates to put aside the highest priorities of his base in the interests of compromise,” the Republican operative said. “That’s also how you make life difficult in a primary.”

  2. Arthur says:

    the journal does 4 things:
    1) covers music festivals
    2) covers beach restaurants
    3) re-plays the capano murder
    4) re-plays the tigani saga

  3. bamboozer says:

    And of course thanking for retiring politicos for their “service”, looking forward to them thanking Joe, Carper and Coons ASAP.

  4. I’ve been wading through the FY 2020 Operating Budget. No wonder Carney’s got that plaque from the NCC Chamber of Commerce:

    “Section 120. Section 1 of this Act provides an appropriation to the Department of State, Division of Small Business, Delaware Economic Development Authority (20-10-01) for Business Incubators. Of this amount, $100.0 shall be allocated to the Kent Economic Partnership, $200.0 shall be allocated to the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce’s business incubator, the Emerging Enterprise Center, and $50.0 shall be allocated to the Middletown Chamber of Commerce’s business incubator.

    Hmmm, Middletown, eh? Quin Johnson’s stompin’ grounds.

  5. El Somnambulo says:

    What Michelle Goldberg of the Times wrote after seeing Biden at three campaign events in South Carolina over the weekend:

    “Seeing Biden on the stump often feels like watching an actor who can’t quite remember his lines. Even if you don’t support him, it’s hard not to feel anxious on his behalf.”

    Here was his response to a pro-choice question:

    “The fact of the matter is that we’re in a situation where mortality rate for poor women and black women, here in this state, 26.5 percent of the, 24, 25.6 people, who of 100,000 who need, who end up dying as a consequence of birth, it’s absolutely absurd.” (He was referring to South Carolina’s maternal mortality rate, which is 26.5 maternal deaths per 100,000 births.)”