DL Open Thread: Tues., July 9, 2019

Filed in Featured by on July 9, 2019

Amy McGrath Takes On Mitch McConnell.  Saw her on Morning Joe, I was impressed.

Pretty Good Chance That Court Could Destroy Obamacare. Two of the three judges are from the Federalist Society. What could go wrong?

Miami Herald’s Brilliant Work On Serial Sex Predator Jeffrey Epstein. Does anybody, anybody, doubt that Trump spent a lot of time at Epstein’s sex prisons? I don’t.

Immigration Officials Use Gang Databases To Kill Migrant Asylum Claims. The so-called data comes from the military in countries that people are fleeing. Got to be accurate, right?

Antarctic Global Melting May Be Irreversible.  What, you were expecting good news?

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. bamboozer says:

    Defeating Mitch McConnell is nearly as vital as defeating Trump, with McConnell gone a major obstruction to all things good is gone, and McGrath impresses me as well. Like most Americans I really want to know what the “secret deal” was with Epstein that let him off with 13 months in a “country club” prison for the rich, in particular what was Acostas part in it. Finally if they do strike down the ACA, and it sticks, it will be a disaster for millions of Americans and indeed the healthcare system as a whole, not that the Republicans care.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Did you get the official Sarah McBride announcement email?

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Here’s my episode with Sarah.

    The Second Progressive Era


    • RE Vanella says:

      Just listened to this one again to make sure it’s good.

      It’s good. Consider a patronage.

  4. jason330 says:

    Love this McGrath ad:

    “Everything that’s wrong in Washington had to start someplace. How did it come to this, that even within our own families, we can’t talk to each other about the leaders of our country anymore without anger and blame? Well, it started with this man, who was elected a lifetime ago and who has, bit by bit, year by year, turned Washington into something we all despise. Where dysfunction and chaos are political weapons. Where budgets, and health care, and the Supreme Court are held hostage. A place where ideals go to die. I’m running for Senate because it shouldn’t be like this.”

    100% unassailably true.

  5. Ross Perot Dies:


    Those who were present reported his final breath made ‘a giant sucking sound’.