Lions led by sheep

Filed in National by on July 10, 2019

The more I think about the sick state of the Delaware Democratic Party the more I am disgusted by our “leadership.”

John Carney? It is widely accepted that he is a useless turd.
Bethany Hall Long? No apparent interest in anything other than her electoral safety.
Lisa Blunt Rochester? Please. If cowardice had initials they’d be LBR.
Coons? He puts being friends with the creeps on the right above literally EVERYTHING.
Peter C. Schwartzkopf? “A terrible person.” That’s on his business card.

The list goes on and on. If anyone can name one elected Democrat with any power in the state that has a shred of integrity, or an ounce of courage I’d be shocked.

And it is a pity, because we have some real fighters in the Democratic Party. This is a party and voter base that wants to get shit done. Environment, guns, economic justice, criminal justice reform, it doesn’t even take a ton of guts to be out-front on these items. They are popular. It is the weak leadership that refuses to promote democratic initiatives that is unpopular.

And it isn’t just braying bloggers like myself saying it either. Privately everyone in Delaware involved in politics agrees, for example, that John Carney is a useless turd.

The party of the people still exists, but only it only exists in the hearts and memories of people who don’t hold any real power. How did it get like this? How do we get out of it?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. There’s Kathleen Jennings. And, uh…

  2. jason330 says:

    I suppose Carney/BHL/LBR/Coons defenders could say that in fact, they are very effective.

    Keeping popular democratic initiatives from being passed or even voted on is a form of effectiveness. Effectively ignoring the ongoing Presidential crisis in DC is a form of effectiveness.

  3. jason330 says:

    Thanks for reading this all you lurkers.