The anger double standard

Filed in National by on July 20, 2019

If Chris Coons puts up a FB post that is mildly critical of the President, the comments are flooded by the vilest, brain dead idiots instantly turning the heat up to 11.   Mixed in will be a couple of Democratic “Atta guy” comments and even fewer “A good start, but not enough” observations.    

If a Democrat dares shows any well-earned anger nowadays they can quickly become a pariah among earnest, thoughtful, decent Democratic townsfolk.  

This one-sidedness takes a toll.  It gives Coons the impression that only Republicans hold strong views.  The anger double standard gives the false impression that they are many and we are few.  The over the top emotionalism also clears brush for other, less angry (but equally wrong) Republicans to backfill sounding reasonable in relative terms.  

This dynamic also plays out nationally where elected Republicans are given free rein to be angry while angry Democrats are pilloried.  








About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    The media continues to play their corporate game of “it’s both sides” even as Trump roasts their simple asses on a daily basis, but more likely the problem is a lack of fighters and an excess of timid DINOS terrified of the old fools and maniacs that haunt all the political sites. We need to fight, and those that don’t need to go the hell home. Coons, Carper and LBR fit the definition.

    • jason330 says:

      I agree. The DINO sense of decorum is stronger than their patriotism. At least they allow cowardice to hide behind decorum.

      • Steven Newton says:

        Which is why it takes the likes of Megan Rapino or the Squad to break through the fences … only to then be thrown under the nearest bus by their putative “allies.”