DL Open Thread: Fri., Aug. 2, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 2, 2019

Biden Inc.:  Scooby sez “Ruh-roh”. Even St. Beau is implicated. BTW, I’d never even heard of James ‘Jimmy’ Biden until now. That family.

House Rethugs Head For Exits.  5 this week alone, two in districts that are at best 50-50 holds for the R’s Why? Defending Trump is exhausting.

Liz Cheney Foams At Mouth Over Protection Of Grizzly Bears. Claims that Native-Americans and environmentalists want to destroy ‘our Western way of life.’  That family.

FBI Identifies ‘Fringe Conspiracy Theories’ As Domestic Terrorism Threats. Something tells me that Trump is about to go after FBI Director Christopher Wray.

How Trump Political Appointees Stopped Prosecution Of Big Banks.  With Trump, this is a ‘dog bites man’ story. But, still…

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    That Biden story is depressing, but look at the bright side. “We are slightly less corrupt than the Trumps!” Is exaclty the type of campaign theme that warms the hearts of DC-Based consultants and media sages.