DL Open Thread: Mon., Aug. 26, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 26, 2019

Trump: Drop Nukes To Stop Hurricanes From Hitting the US.  Since, according to Trump, Puerto Rico isn’t part of the US, he can solve two ‘problems’ at the same time. He’s cra-a-a-zy.

Miami Cubans Warm To Socialism.  In the ‘Canadian healthcare’ and ‘Green New Deal’ sense. About time that Rethugs’ hold on ‘Red Scare’ Cubanos has weakened. Basically b/c the old guys are dying off.

Joe Walsh Is In. He’s an asshole, but you just know that Trump won’t be able to resist going after him. His campaign is based on Trump being unfit to serve as President. He’s got that right.

Border Patrol/Israeli Military Contractor Keeping Native-American Tribe Under Surveillance.  Why don’t they go back where they came from? Oh, wait…

Womyn’s Lands–Lesbian Utopias.  A fascinating story, and something about which I had no knowledge.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Good for Joe Walsh. He was on Morning Joe and large part of his motivation is contrition for being a Tea Party asshole that prepared the ground for the rise of Trump.