DL Open Thread: Sun., Sept. 1, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 1, 2019

The Latest Shooting Rampage From Texas.  It’s gotten to the point where the particulars don’t matter. Especially since Texas has just passed bills to make the carnage more likely.

Betty DeVos Makes It Tougher For Defrauded Students To Get Their Debt Canceled.  And why not? It was, after all, an Obama initiative. It has to be bad, right?

‘Deconstructing Clarence Thomas’.  What makes Thomas Thomas? Some fascinating insights here.

Who Runs State Government? A true public service provided by Matt Bittle. He’s been doing a series of pieces like this, and even people who think they understand state government will benefit from reading them.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Hard not to notice the media largely ignores the daily gun slaughter, it’s no longer news and has lost much of it’s potential for sensation due to endless repetition. As for Texas hope they reap the rewards of their endless celebration of guns, and no it won’t be liberty, freedom or “protecting the constitution”. As ever we now wait for the next round of gunfire and murder, and we all know it’s coming.