DL Open Thread: Tues., Sept. 3, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 3, 2019

Trump To Pence: Stay At My Place. The Taxpayers Will Pick Up The Tab.  Pence’s trip to Ireland will feature trips on Air Force Two back-and-forth to the conference b/c…why, exactly? Trump’s resort gets taxpayers’ $$’s, gets publicity, and we pay for it. Pence, of course, could have stayed at the official residence of the Irish president, but no. Trump’s corruption is so all-encompassing that I think people just accept it.

D’s Could Take Down Rethugs’ ‘Class Clown’ Governor In Kentucky.  Not b/c of a D resurgence in the state, but b/c the governor really is that bad.

Trump Allies To Target Specific Reporters. The truth is their enemy, so, of course, they’re going after reporters.

How Rethugs Intimidate Minority Voters In Georgia.  That Supreme Court ruling gutting the Voting Rights Act has achieved precisely what the conservative majority of the Court wanted it to achieve.

About That Biden Pledge Not To Accept Lobbyists’ Money…: Uh, he didn’t mean it.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jim C says:

    Hi there, El Somnambulo, can you tell me what’s on the horizon for the minimum wage in Delaware?
    I heard it was to go up by a quarter or so sometime “soon”?

  2. Jim: The following bill passed the General Assembly and was signed into law in the previous session of the General Assembly:


    I guess we should be thankful that John Carney signed it into law. After all, Markell did everything he could to kill previous minimum wage increases.

    While legislation has been introduced in the current General Assembly to further increase the minimum wage, the State Senate, which is the site of the originating legislation, has not yet considered it on the floor.