DL Open Thread: Tues., Sept. 10, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 10, 2019

Trump Outed CIA’s Top Source In Russia.  During conversations with the Russian ambassador. The CIA had to extract him from Russia due to Trump’s loose lips.  Holy bleep, this guy is an utter disaster.

Most Working-Age Hires Are People Of Color.  For the first time ever.

Rudy Giuliani’s Trail Of Corruption. A real good chronicle of the countries that Giuliani has befouled in his travels. Sometimes he acts as the President’s attorney, sometimes he doesn’t. But it’s all interchangeable.

Trump Slams Bahamian Survivors As ‘Very Bad People’.  Gets some of them thrown off boat to US.  The followup is never as compelling as the original.

Koch’s Data-Mining Company Swings Elections.  Evil Plus Money=Pure Evil.

AG Jennings Goes After Sackler Family For Opioid Reparations. Their company, Purdue Pharma, is allegedly about to declare bankruptcy to avoid massive payouts. Why not go after the family that owned the company?

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Alby says:

    From the Schadenfreude Files, Milo Yiannopoulos says he’s broke:


    Also, how can Trump tell those Bahamians include “very bad people?” Easy — their skin. God has color-coded His children to make it easier for Trump to tell the good ones from the bad ones.

    • mediawatch says:

      Given that new employment report, color-coding also going to be bad for Trump’s booming economy. Must be a lot of “bad people” getting their first paychecks.
      OTOH, the Big Orange might distort this into a new campaign talking point, a la “more minorities have gotten jobs since I became president than at any time in the history of mankind.”

    • Paul says:

      I can’t shed a tear. There is free speech and then there is Milo speak. No value at all culturally, mainly because of an allergy to the truth.

  2. All Seeing says:

    Great rundown of things that are important. I love it. What I would like to talk about is status quo Joe’s horse shit of a campaign. His dementia is so bad, why are they trying to force feed us this reject of two times are we really that bad? Or just for Catholic votes? If he was any good he would have stopped Carper and Ben Nighthorse from sinking real healthcare reform, or stopped the auto companies from leaving or saved our clean water and air or we wouldn’t be second on the bottom with cancer or 16th in opoid deaths or infant mortality. This guy has been around since the Princess phone and he needs to join it.
    Second, “Non Partisan redistricting”. This dragline of a speaker of the house killed this legislation 10 years ago and he has to get defeated. This Delaware cop-connection in politics has to go as well.
    Is that enough?

  3. El Somnambulo says:

    BREAKING: TRUMP FIRES BOLTON! Cites ‘strong disagreements’. Who exactly did he think he was hiring?

  4. bamboozer says:

    And so Bolton leaves a broken man, unable to start a skirmish much less the prized endless war in an assortment of places. Eve better he’s claiming he resigned, Trump says he was fired. By tweet of course.

  5. mouse says:

    Strange how the Fox News FB site doesn’t have a single story about it..