DL Open Thread Monday 9/16

Filed in National by on September 16, 2019

Democrats, especially those running for president or re-election, are demanding impeachment — not of Trump, but of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, based on his lies to the Senate about his sexual escapades at Yale.

Border Patrol officers are battling low morale because people call them “baby killers” and worse. Who’d have thunk it?

Extreme weather events have cost the nation three-quarters of a billions dollars in the past decade. I blame those greedy scientists, who will stop at nothing to make people believe in global warming.

Boris Johnson was booed off the stage in Luxembourg while trying to talk about Brexit. Frankly, I’ve never understood why Europe doesn’t take the initiative and boot them out, ready or not.

This is a Democratic pollster, so take it with a grain of salt, but Stanley Greenberg predicts an electoral wipeout for the GOP in 2020.

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  1. xyz says:

    Oh dear. Looks like Lucy yanked the football away again on Kavanaugh.


    “Does not recall” seems to be the enduring slogan of the Kavanaugh saga… although “indelible in the hippocampus” is running a close second.

    The Times is beneath contempt at this point. Not even remotely credible as a news source.

    I’m sure all the idiots in the Dem presidential nomination clown car will promptly retract their calls for impeachment…

    Never mind, they need to keep the mouthbreathers like Alby stirred up…

  2. Alby says:

    Dude, I’ve had it since the ’80s. He was a lying creep then, he’s a lying creep now. Feign to deny it.

    You seem like an intelligent guy but you’re taken in by Trump so yes, you’re the gullible one.

    Again, the impeachment is over his lying about Ramirez. Neither you nor I know whether the second incident happened, but you choose to ignore his history to pretend he’s telling the truth all of a sudden. So yes, you’re the gullible one.

    Also note your inability to admit error, just as I predicted. But you think you’re fit to tell me what I’m thinking? That’s a good one. It shows you’re gullible even in what you tell yourself.