My Next Email to Mike Castle’s Brain (Mike Quaranta): Lugar

Filed in National by on June 26, 2007

Dear Mike,

Let me get right to the point since I know you are in the weeds a little right now.

Yesterday “moderate” Senator “Lex” Lugar broke with the Administration and it looks like the wheels on the “stay the course” bandwagon you have placed Congressman on are getting a little wobbly.

I know you don’t want your boy Castle to be the only supporter Bush has left come this time next year and it is getting hot for fake moderates, so I was wondering how that blistering attack on the President’s malfeasance you are working on is going?

You know that fictional blistering attack that Castle alludes to from time to time. How close you would say it is?

Just Curious.

Your fan,



Motsmitty is calling me out. I know someone who can clear up this mess…

Morning Mike!
I know you can’t turn a battleship on a dime, so while I wait for your statement in which Congressman Useless – I mean Castle – makes a clean and unequivocal break with President Bush regarding his 50 year timeline for withdrawal from Iraq I have another question.

My friend, MOTsmitty, says that says that your boy Castle had nothing to do with stopping Jan Ting’s foaming-at-the-mouth-anti-immigrant resolution from coming to a vote at the DEGOP convention. But I heard that it was Castle (or maybe you, since you do all the heavy lifting in the office) who put the put the kibosh on the resolution.

Can you clear this up for us? I understand that Castle’s Bush love on this issue puts you at odds with most Republicans, so you probably don’t want to come right out and say anything directly. That’s cool. I’ll accept your silence on this topic as an acknowledgement that – YES, IT WAS CASTLE THAT NIXED THE RESOLUTION. So don’t get back to me by this time tomorrow and we’ll consider this question answered.


Yours truly,


PS: What do you make of that Terry Strine lying to the Washington Times about it? What a douche bag, eh?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. FSP says:

    Castle wasn’t even there at that point of the convention.

  2. anon says:


  3. GOP Vision says:

    Castle is the real GOP chairman, Srine is a puppet for Greenville.

  4. jason330 says:

    Five hours later and still no reply to my email. I’ll post Mike’s response as soon as it comes in.

  5. dh says:

    The Easter Bunny gave me some Cadburry Eggs this year that had dark chocolate. I’m allergic to dark chocolate, so I sent them back and asked for replacements that had milk chocolate. As soon as I get the milk chocolate eggs, I’ll also post it.

  6. donviti says:

    love cadburry eggs!

  7. Rebecca says:

    Cadbury eggs and Girl Scout Cookie Mints. Why do I mark the seasons with chocolate?

  8. donviti says:

    you are a victim of the MAN’S marketing becca

  9. Lugar’s stance is counched in terms of national security. And it puts our centrist war-supporting DEMs to shame.

    DEMs will lose the polling edge they had been developing as champions of national security by their stupid advocacy of this occupation.

    Good for Lugar.