DL Open Thread: Sat., Oct. 5, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 5, 2019

Trump’s Phone Calls Alarmed Officials Long Before Ukraine. Put. Down. That. Phone!

How One County Shows Why D’s Will Never Beat Trump In Rural America.  The good news? People are fleeing these counties for places that, you know, actually spend for stuff like roads and schools.

‘We Need To Talk About Hunter Biden’. This, in a nutshell, demonstrates why we’d be fools to nominate Joe Biden. 

Book Review Of The Year. If Not The Decade.  I don’t even know if the review is ‘fair’, whatever that means. I just know it’s a classic of its genre. You will LOL.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Greetings from farm country, the article is on point but could be summed up in fewer words, isolated rural areas are what I call Pro Ignorance. They do not value education and are suspicious of the highly educated, professionals in particular, and revert to that old favorite “they think their better then everybody else”. Possibly because they are. As noted these people have a tendency to stab themselves in the back, and then do it again. As a whole there is no reaching them, the ones who can leave are doing so and moving elsewhere. Rigged electoral college or not, at some point the power of rural voters will be greatly reduced.

  2. Paul says:
