DL Open Thread: Wed., Oct. 9, 2019

Filed in Featured by on October 9, 2019

John Carney Just Won’t Give It Up.  Still fighting for ‘political balance’ on the courts. Backed up by the usual Delaware Way suspects, including ‘former governor’ Dale Wolf.  Uh, John, can you lean in so I can whisper something in your ear?…THERE ARE JUDGES ON DELAWARE’S COURTS RIGHT NOW WHO GOT THERE BY CHANGING THEIR REGISTRATION FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF GETTING JUDGESHIPS. At least two law firms are happy as our fiscal bulldog pisses away state $$’s on this quixotic and worthless quest.

Delaware’s Congressional Delegation Still Can’t Make Up Their Minds On Trump. They should be shouted down at every Democratic Party event. Utterly worthless. Three times zero equals zero.

A Corrupt Practices Act For Self-Dealing Political Families.  I’m all in on this one. BTW, hadn’t thought about it until reading this, but the plural of Chao is Chaos. Fitting.  Oh, and this article lays out just how the Bidens have been cashing in on the family name for decades. This Ryan Grim guy is really good. Read it!

Bipartisan Senate Report Proves Just About Everything In The Mueller Report–And More.  I wonder if it was a bipartisan decision to release the report when the Senate wasn’t in session. This is a big story that I think the Intelligence Committee Chair deliberately released when it would have the least impact.

The Seven Men Who Covered Up The Khashoggi Murder.  Or more accurately, seven of the many who did so.  But, with one exception, these are names you likely don’t know. Solid reporting.

How Trump’s Tariffs Create Jobs–For Canadians.  He’s a genius, I tell you. A GENIUS.

I think I gave you enough to chew on today.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. ben says:

    Just be careful addressing Delaware electeds. if you arent respectful enough, they have you arrested

  2. bamboozer says:

    Carney’s love of “political balance” gives the lie to the concept of impartial justice and apolitical courts, the judges are just as political as all the rest, the supreme court in particular. But as noted Carney is thwarting the will of the people, elections should always matter, quirk in the Delaware constitution or not.

  3. Alby says:

    This story isn’t getting as much attention as it should:


    Zuckerberg meets with Trump, and almost immediately it suspended its rule against false material in advertising — and Trump has taken advantage to spend $1 million per week telling Cult45 that Democrats have advocated getting rid of the Second Amendment, as if that were remotely possible.

    Zuckstick thinks she’s an existential threat. Let’s hope he’s right.

    • jason330 says:

      Man oh man. What a piece of shit.

    • jason330 says:

      On FB’s decision to not remove Trump’s bullshit ad:

      ““Our approach is grounded in Facebook’s fundamental belief in free expression, respect for the democratic process, and the belief that, in mature democracies with a free press, political speech is already arguably the most scrutinized speech there is,” Harbath wrote. “Thus, when a politician speaks or makes an ad, we do not send it to third party fact checkers.”

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