The video of Trump mass-murdering his enemies, shown at his resort to supporters

Filed in National by on October 14, 2019

Click through to Boing Boing to see it. The video is nauseating in theme and its juvenile execution. Some Trump supporter put it together and apparently the Trump campaign liked it enough to share it at a gathering of Trump supporters in Miami.

The New York Times reported today that a video mashup depicting Trump slaughtering a church packed with his “fake news” enemies, from Barack Obama to the BBC, was shown last week to supporters at one of his Miami resorts.

The video, which includes the logo for Mr. Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign, comprises a series of internet memes. The most violent clip shows Mr. Trump’s head superimposed on the body of a man opening fire inside the “Church of Fake News” on parishioners who have the faces of his critics or the logos of media organizations superimposed on their bodies. … The disclosure that the video was played shows how Mr. Trump’s anti-media language has influenced his supporters and bled into their own propaganda. Mr. Trump has made attacks on the news media a mainstay of his presidency, and he tweeted a similar — but far less violent video — in 2017. In recent weeks as he has confronted impeachment proceedings, he has ramped up his attacks on the news media, repeatedly calling it the “enemy of the people

Funny, right? If you don’t get it, I guess you are a liberal snowflake or something.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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