DL Open Thread 10/25/19

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on October 25, 2019

In the best Donald Trump “I’m rubber, you’re glue” tradition, AG Bill Barr is now running a criminal investigation into the origins of the investigation of Donald Trump by intelligence agencies during the 2016 election. I can save them a lot of trouble: Mothafucka was acting like a Russian agent — and so are you, Billy Bob.

In another sign of his campaign’s desperation, Joe Biden flip-flopped on forming a Super PAC because — you’ll never guess — it’s required to keep Trump from gaining a second term.

In Delaware, Gov. John Carney named Collins “C.J.” Seitz the successor to Leo Strine as Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court. He also nominated Tamika Montgomery-Reeves, currently on the state’s Chancery Court, to become the first African-American woman on the Supreme Court.

If you only read the mainstream news, you’re told lawyers for Rep. Katie Hill have issued a cease-and-desist order to Britain’s Daily Mail for publishing nude photos of the 32-year-old freshman congresswoman from California. If, however, you read sleazy British tabloids, you’ll learn that the photos are related to the ethics probe of her relationship with a female campaign aide with whom Hill and her husband had an affair. I must confess I’d never heard the term “throuple” before. It sounds much more elegant in French.

Hillary haters will have to acknowledge that she gets some things right. She called out Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii last week, prompting Gabbard to demonstrate, via tweet, her supreme unfitness for the presidency. Idiot pundits say it helped Gabbard because it got her noticed. I call bullshit, because it also prompted Gabbard to announce today that she won’t run for re-election to the House so she can — you can’t make this up — focus on her Russia-backed run for the White House. Also, too, the fact that she’s facing a strong primary challenge from an actual progressive might have played a role.

We have a winner in Trump’s war on the media. He ordered all government agencies to cancel their subscriptions to the New York Times and Washington Post. No word on whether this was before or after aides found his binky.

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  1. Alby says:

    In further Tulsi Gabbard news, it seems Hillary was right in the particulars, too. Fox Business reported she met with Wall Street fat cats to drum up support for a potential third-party run.

    • jason330 says:

      The irony of Trump goin after Biden is that if Biden is the nominee it is going to be the Hillary Rodhman Clinton Campaign Part II. In other words – nearly impossible for the Dems to maintain a united front through November.

  2. All Seeing says:

    Status quo JOE’s new super-PAC when he said he wouldn’t do it. He needs to give it up = https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/10/25/super-pac-wont-save-joe-biden/