Coons’ Prayer Breakfast Buddy Released & Received as a Hero in Moscow

Filed in National by on October 26, 2019

When praying for more tax breaks, and for homos to convert to heteros, Delaware’s Jr Senator, Chris Coons, will have one less Russian agent to pray with.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Sounds like a Republican to me.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    The thing about diversity is, yeah it seems dope as fuck. And sure I support it. I just wrote a $20,000 check to Friends in the name of diversity! But other people¹, you see, I mean, you don’t know them. Those people can’t accept it. So, really, if you keep pushing me, all of this will backfire. Not because of me of course. Because of those other people² who you don’t know.

    —Chris Coons?


    ¹The people who are responsible for my ability to afford Wilmington Friends tuition?


  3. jason330 says:

    “Senator Coons, recently you said that diversity might cause discord at a panel. You want to answer that?”

    “That was a dramatically misreading and misrepresentation of what I actually said, of my values and what I meant.” – Chris Coons


    “I want to believe of our country and ourselves that a more diverse Senate that includes women’s voices, and voices of people of color, and voices of people who were not professionals but, you know, who grew up working class and were the first in their family to go to school and so forth, that we can engage those voices and that they can be part of the debate, and that that doesn’t produce irreconcilable discord.

    I think history may judge otherwise,”

    -Chris Coons