DL Open Thread: Thurs., Dec. 5, 2019
AG’s Hand-Picked Investigator Dismisses RWNJ Claim That FBI Conspired Against Trump:
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s office contacted U.S. Attorney John Durham, the prosecutor Barr personally tapped to lead a separate review of the 2016 probe into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia, the people said. The inspector general also contacted several U.S. intelligence agencies.
What’s Barr gonna do now? Probably bury the report.
Trump Fatigue Claims D Representative. A good one, too. Rep. Denny Heck of Washington. Read his farewell statement.
A Comprehensive View Of The Existential Threat Of Trump. Very scary, and very much in accord with my own fears.
Judge: Prison Company Using Detainees As Slave Labor. Immigration detention centers run by GEO and CoreCivic. Slave labor. America in 2019.
Global Carbon Emissions Hit New High. To say I’m losing hope is an understatement.
Meyer Deep-Sixes DBOT Scam. Good. This was Delaware Way insider crap from Day One. Oh, and don’t forget that Mike Ramone was up to his neck in this crap. Only in an unethical body would his actions not be deemed unethical.
What do you want to talk about?
Somehow Meyer was never there when he said things according to the article. Plus he never seems to know what the council says or does in meetings. another example of government not being able to do anything wisely. they should stick to doing what they know how to do – repave 141 again.
hum….hardly appropriate to congratulate Meyer for a veto of deal he orchestrated.
Meyer totally finagled this crap DBOT deal and suddenly he’s crapped out?
KHN – like a stopped clock twice a day can be correct – and she was correct about what is going on with DBOT (who knows who helped her with her document posted by CRI – also prone to occasional correctness) .
Meyer is full of it and I will be happy to provide more details despite Jordyn Pusey’s eagerness to paint Matt a major or even minor hero of progs everywhere. He ain’t.
He and his Land Use Department etc. deserve more serious scrutiny from the public than is possible with the lame DE media.
Most recently, you can observe Dave Carter’s slow attempt to improve the way NCC government operates. Carter has taken heat in challenging Meyer’s intentions south of the canal and his department’s ongoing secretive plans to install public sewer in the lower western part of the county.
There have been a series of counter moves between the department and Carter on how to resolve a dispute on septic down there with an Alternative bill from Carter (Ord. 19-108 being tabled a few weeks ago and re-introduced last week but is not on the agenda while its counter ordinance, Substitute 1 for 19-078 floated by the department for review on Tuesday the 3rd and on next Tuesday’s regular meeting agenda.
So Carter is revealing his frustrating experience with Meyer staff by floating a new Ordinance to finally express the will of council and their right to float bills (counter to the Executive Branch initiatives) and have them properly considered . From Janet Kilpatrick’s reaction in the WDEL article above to Meyer folding on his own DBOT deal and not admitting to his role, I am hoping she will take umbrage enough to support Carter in the following:
Reg meeting 6:30 December 10th agenda item:
Intro David Carter
SYNOPSIS: This proposed Ordinance clarifies the process to be applied when a land userelated text amendment to New Castle County Code Chapter 40 (“UDC”) is proposed. Among other things, the Ordinance is intended to promote cooperation among the branches of government. In particular, the proposed Ordinance clarifies that a County Council member, at their discretion, may submit proposed legislation to the Department of Land Use for comment by the Department (and the Department of Law) prior to introducing such legislation. In such situations, the Departments will have 10 working days to provide the Council member with their comments, if any. The proposed revision to the timeline (from 14 days to 10 days) is consistent with similar changes that were recently made to the Rules of Civil Procedure. Moreover, aside from proposed revisions to clarify the process to make it more efficient preintroduction, the proposed Ordinance does not alter the process post-introduction (i.e., at Sections B – E, excepting non-substantive clarifications) whereby, prior to County Council’s consideration of the legislation, the Departments will still have several opportunities (at the PLUS public meeting, at the Planning Board public meeting, at the Council Committee meeting, and, finally at the Council general meeting) to provide comment and recommendations regarding the legislation, where the Departments feel appropriate
ongoing secretive public sewer plans… sounds exciting.
TMNT theme intensifies
Sewer plans = increased density
The 40 acres and a mule can then be converted to 100 McMansions and a retention pond.
Farmers want it because the value of their land skyrockets. Council loves it because transfer tax revenue means no new property tax increases. Developers love it.
Pretty much everyone else hates it.
I know what it is. I was commenting on the framing. It’s not really a covert operation is it?
Plus she starts the entire thing by saying progessives claim Meyer as some sort of hero. Now, I’m not a progressive. I’m proudly left of that. But I know many progessives. Talk to them all the time. (Sometimes we record it and put it in the internet.)
No one has ever, not once, called Meyer a hero. The entire context is absurd.
I will say that some of the shadiest backroom BS that I have heard of in the county was actually about building sewer connections.
One story had a county exec (many moons ago) stopping the sewer line half a mile from a farmer’s property because the farmer had crossed the executive politically.
I can completely see HOW one would make secret plans around sewers in NCC. I cannot comment on whether that is actually going on now.
Have you invited Nancy onto the podcast???
I have not, but it’s a good suggestion and something I’ve thought about. (Don’t have her contact info, but could get it easily I’m sure.)
I have something cooking presently that may be right in her wheelhouse though. Not yet fully baked. I will keep this in mind.