DL Open Thread: Thurs., Jan. 9, 2020

Filed in Featured by on January 9, 2020

House To Vote On Limiting Trump’s War PowersHere is the legislation.  Two Senate R’s have already indicated they’ll support such a resolution in the Senate. Let’s see if any House Rethugs dare to oppose Trump.

Mnuchin Wants To Hide Secret Service Expenses Until After Election.  All the bleeping money they’ve wasted, and oh by the way, wasted at Trump properties.  No wonder the criminals in the White House want to withhold that info from the public.

At Least Half Of Puerto Rico Is Without Power.  If it escaped your attention, it certainly has escaped Trump’s attention. And his interest.

Trump Plans To Deep-Six Environmental Rules B/C ‘Development’.  Trump is no different than every Chamber Of Commerce and every ‘reach-across-the-aisle’ Democrat on this. Including right here in good-ol’ Delaware.

Year-Long Disinformation Campaign Preceded Iran Strike.  The lyin’ liars were building to this, it didn’t come out of nowhere.

The ‘Think Tank’ Pushing War With Iran. A blatant propaganda organ funded by Trump-loving billionaires. A tax-exempt organization, of course.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. RSE says:

    The five things that the Dems/MSM absolutely must do in 2020 to make sure Trump doesn’t get elected again:

    1. Make sure the American people know how important and weighty the impeachment is in the likely case they forget.

    2. Talk down, and if possible tank the economy.

    3. Make sure Trump is seen as a self serving war monger who only cares about his hotels, and we are all in danger.

    4. 35% African American approval for Trump won’t do. Make sure Trump is more of a racist.

    5. Whoever those “six ways to Sunday” guys that Chuck Schumer was bragging about need to be activated.

  2. Alby says:

    He does not have 35% black approval, as I keep explaining to you. The polling showed 35% were against impeachment. It’s not the same thing.

    Most Democrats who are against impeachment are worried it will strengthen Trump. This does not mean they support Trump. Your failure to understand this is concerning.

    • RSE says:

      I’m not sure why you keep calling it a poll “against impeachment” Emerson poll in November was 34.5% ” approval for Trump’s presidency”, some had it higher some lower, and they have nothing to do with impeachment.


      • Delawarelefty says:

        That is not a reliable source….pure right wing propaganda. You are such a Russian troll.

        • RSE says:

          @Delawarelefty, The numbers are the numbers, are you really telling me you can’t just look them up for yourself ? I just used that article because it has a picture of Kanye at the top, and I happen to like Kanye. Don’t you guys start getting all Dr Zaius on me. Facts are facts. I don’t know how accurate they are , but that’s what the polls are saying.

          • RE Vanella says:

            The methodology of polling, the population selection, inference, assumptions, the presentation & wording of questions don’t matter.

            Numbers are numbers. RSE is a top statistian.

      • Alby says:

        Yes, I did look the numbers up for myself. From Politico two weeks ago:

        Trump’s job-approval rating among black voters was 10 percent in the latest POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. And a Quinnipiac University survey released Tuesday showed the Democratic polling leader, former Vice President Joe Biden, leading Trump among black voters, 87 to 7 percent.

        Further, Rasmussen has not backed up that number with the raw data that I could find. Do you have a link to that?

        Your failure to read reliable sources as well as your biased ones relegates your postings to the misleading-news chaff they are.

        I can’t even find the Emerson poll, but news reports put it as “non-white” support for Trump. This is not the same as black support, as it includes Hispanics.

  3. Alby says:

    From Gallup in November:

    Trump’s job-approval rating among black voters was 10 percent in the latest POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. And a Quinnipiac University survey released Tuesday showed the Democratic polling leader, former Vice President Joe Biden, leading Trump among black voters, 87 to 7 percent.

    In short, numbers from more reliable pollsters show no such levels of support. Why do you choose to believe the sources that support a known disinformation source when more reliable numbers are widely available?

    I think if Trump’s black support tripled, it would be obvious in things other than the poll numbers of a known propaganda shop (Rasmussen) and a minor polling university outfit. Like, maybe you’d see more blacks at his Nuremberg rallies.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I just put the Deldude/Harold Gray rumor on Twitter. I said I heard it here. 🙂