Which Republican Blogger/Candidate Will Save the DE GOP?

Filed in Delaware by on January 26, 2009

In the fight to “save the DE GOP” we have two people who have been shadow boxing in the gym for a while, but now seem ready to RUMBLE!

In this corner wearing gold trunks with embroidered duckies is the man from Greenville, Charlie “Don’t call me Charles Lamot Dupont” Copeland and in this corner wearing a pornstache is the Mike “The Router” Protack..


Copeland looks hungry. He comes out fast with his genius plan for saving the DE GOP by losing elections and letting father time take out Democrats.

Protack counters with a picture of Ronald Reagan next to a quote by Jason C’ ONeill


Exactly! Points for Protack there.

Copeland looks stunned, but has THE TRUTH about Roe v. Wade in his corner. Oh My God! he is swinging that truth at Protack’s head like a giant salami. Protack is on the ropes having never figured out that 65% of Americans want to keep Roe v Wade because they don’t understand it.

Protack looks desperate. He throws out a typo on the front page of his blog to buy himself some time and regroup. Now he is saying that collobarative is how they spell it in “the Corps.” Yes, that was a crazy gambit, but that rationalization might have turned the tide. Copeland is back on his heels.

Protack circles in hoping to deliver the coup de grace in the form of a hail of nonsense bullet points:

4. We must need a brand new kind of candidate not enmeshed in the role of party acceptance of a few but electability at the ballot box

Copeland staggers. Protack, suddenly goes “southpaw” and seems to be running for Governor by pressing for more one way streets. Copeland throws a weak haymaker in a desperate attempt to fight off the ropes by having a proxy attack “the media.”

“The media will do their best to find some dirt, any dirt on Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger” because the media “hate(s) heroes unless they are Democrat.”

That random craziness connected with this crowd, but the media jab was too little too late. Copeland is spent. He hits the canvas but is saved by the bell.

The GOP crowd cheers “pornstache! pornstache! pornstache!” the fighters get sponged down and ready for round two.

(to be continued)


and a quote by


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Highly entertaining. Keep it up!

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    My brain hurts.

  3. Maria Evans says:

    Copeland looks hungry. He comes out fast with his genius plan for saving the DE GOP by losing elections and letting father time take out Democrats.

    Charlie didn’t write that post. I’m not sure what you don’t get about that. ResoluteDetermination is a totally different person.

  4. Geezer says:

    Sounds like someone caught “The Wrestler” last weekend.

  5. cassandra m says:

    You know that both of these blogs are random Republican text generators working off of the router at Protack’s house, right?

  6. anon says:

    Maria seems to know a lot about Charlie’s blog – hmmm…..

    I’m thinking “resolutedetermination” is the admin account. The profile is empty. They are not even pretending it is a different person.

  7. jason330 says:

    Hmmm…. Anyway, Canssandra is right. All of this bullshit is generated in the basement of the Heritage Foundation. Who cares who gets the credit for pasting it up on the blogs.

  8. pandora says:

    You are a clever boy, J!

    Also, didn’t Charlie issue a press release promoting his blog? Why this sudden distancing from a blog he went out of his way to connect his name to?

  9. the router man easily. He will sink to any level to win

  10. Maria Evans says:

    There are 5 authors listed. Charlie blogs under his own name. And pandora, what “distancing” other than my comment that ResoluteDetermination and Charlie Copeland are two different people?

  11. Unstable Isotope says:

    So the GOP plan is to screw things up, lose and then blame Democrats because things are going badly. Meanwhile, actually thinking of new ways to address the problems is not happening.

  12. RSmitty says:

    I love it when you care so much, J.

  13. jason330 says:

    What I love is that right now Protack is dying to comment on this thread.

  14. The truth is neither of us can save the GOP, the GOP has to do that collectively and individually. I applaud Charlie’s efforts,, everything helps.

    Our start in to this arena has to do with issues, go to http://www.rebuildtheDelawareGOP.com. We will bring some guest articles and an interactive blog in the next couple of wseeks.

    I assure you I do not take the Heritage Foundation positions while I admire their rational thoughts. For instance,
    I still believe we can achieve universal health care based on wellness, productivity and security with choice, competition and personal responsibility.

    I look forward to offering relevant solutions that in some cases the GOP has sat on the sidelines. That is not my opinion is the the cold hard facts presented by the Delaware voters.

  15. anon says:

    It is jarring when Protack makes sense.

  16. anonone says:

    Mike “the torturer” Protack has some new ideas, alright. My favorite is that in addition to adopting the interrogation techniques of the former Soviet Union, he’d like us to model our tax structure after Russia, Estonia, and Slovakia.

    I am not making that up.

  17. Sorry Charlie says:

    Read Curmudgeon,
    From Charlie Copeland.
    “We do not have as much a revenue problem as we have had a spending problem. The 2004-2007 general fund per person spending increases averaged 8.3% per year while revenues only went up 4.8% according to the department of finance. And per person debt went up 7.4% per year. So not counting debt increases, spending went up 73% more than revenues.”

    What a distortion! Take 8.3% minus 4.8% and divide by 4.8% and voila, you see .729167, or 73%.
    Comparing rate increases avoids the true picture. Any sophomore in HS, who passed Graphing, knows that statistics can be skewed, by reducing the range of the data.

    Show us the real money. Show the increase as percent of the total budget.

    This only shows that COPELAND and RD can not be trusted with an honest portrayal of the facts.
    This will only get votes from people who are illiterate.
    Do the Math…
    Sorry Charlie.

  18. “Mike “the torturer” Protack has some new ideas, alright. My favorite is that in addition to adopting the interrogation techniques of the former Soviet Union, he’d like us to model our tax structure after Russia, Estonia, and Slovakia.

    I am not making that up.”

    Yes, you are making it up.

    I don’t support torture, never have. however it is silly to grant Geneva Convention protection to those who do not fall under the treaty.

    The tax system we have is corrupt and inefficient. By far it is the biggest drag on the economy we could fix very quickly. The more complicated it is the more money is hidden and growth is lost.

    Taxes should be based on producing savings, growth and investment. Too many liberals want it to be punitive which is a waste of time.

    Yes, you are making it up because you can’t discuss any policies which could move America ahead.

  19. mike hunt says:

    this shit is too funny and could fill the void until the next election…..

  20. redwaterlily says:

    “go to http://www.rebuildtheDelawareGOP.com. ”

    No thanks – I don’t like wasting my time.